News from Foundation

What another great two weeks for the Foundation students! There has been so much learning happening, including learning lots of new diagraph friends such as qu, ou, oi, ch, sh, and th! Mrs B and Ms Forbes are very proud of how well the Foundations have been reading at home and practising their tricky words! Keep up the great work, Foundations!
After our wonderful excursion to Maroondah Dam, we wrote some recounts about what we got up to!
This week in maths, we started to learn about something new: SHAPES! We have been talking about 2D shapes such as circles and triangles. We learnt about straight lines and curved lines and used different materials to make different shapes. Here are some of the shapes we made outside!
Next Friday, 24th of May, we will be hosting the afternoon assembly at 2:15pm! We would love you to come along and see all the great learning we have been doing!