Student Wellbeing 

Student Wellbeing encompasses the following areas:  Student Engagement, Student Connectedness, Classroom Climates, Inclusion and Prevention to Intervention

The Resilience Project News

Dear parents and caregivers, 


This next presentation from The Resilience Project is all about Empathy and Kindness. 


Empathy is our ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they do. We practice this through being kind and compassionate towards other people.


Brain imaging data shows that being kind to others registers in the brain as more like eating chocolate than like fulfilling an obligation to do what’s right (e.g., eating brussel sprouts)!


Research shows that practicing empathy, such as performing acts of kindness, taps into our brain’s ‘mirror neurons’, builds compassion and our behaviour becomes more social and community-based.


View Empathy of the series here:Part 3 - Empathy:


In this presentation, Hugh shares how being kind and putting yourself in someone else’s shoes can make you feel good as well as having a positive effect on others. He shares some practical activities you could do as a family.To find more inspiring activities to do at home visitTRP@HOME. Here you will find activities for kids, teens, adults and you (parent/carers).For mental health resources and support information, visit The Resilience Project’s Support Page.


Please check out all the resources on the TRP@HOME HUB, link above.





Parents & Carers


Parents & Care