Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.


  "Lord God, We lift up all mothers to You. 

Grant them the strength to face the daily challenges 

with courage and the wisdom to guide their children 

towards a life of faith and service. 

Encourage them when they are weary and inspire them 

when they feel overwhelmed. 

Bless them with Your peace and love, 

now and forever. 



Confirmation workshop

Just a reminder that on Tuesday 21st of May, the Confirmation candidates and their families are invited to attend a Confirmation Workshop facilitated by Maria Forde. This event will occur at 7.00pm online.  

Bishop’s visit

Bishop Terry Curtin will be visiting our Year 6 confirmation candidates on Thursday the 23rd of May.  The purpose of this visit, is for the bishop to meet our Year 6 children as they prepare for Confirmation. We look forward to his visit.

Confirmation celebration: 

The Year 6 Confirmation candidates will be celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday the 2nd of June at 3.00pm at St Fidelis Church.  More information in regards to the Confirmation celebration will be discussed during the workshop.

Family week whole school mass:

On Friday the 17th of May at 9.30am, the school community of St Fidelis will be celebrating a whole school mass.  We invite all parents and carers to attend this special celebration.

Class Mass:

This Tuesday the 7th of May, 1/2VB and 3/4SH will be celebrating mass at 9.15am.  You are invited to attend in supporting your child's faith journey.


Thank you and God Bless

Annette Gasbarro

Religious Education Leader