Whole School News

Library News

Year Seven Graphic Novel work

Author visits to our school can have a significant impact with our students, both academically and personally. Our visit from Shane McCarthy has certainly had a positive impact on our Year Seven students and this has been reflected in the wonderful graphic pages they have created in English. I will share a couple here for your viewing pleasure.


 When students meet authors in person it humanises the writing process. Students realise that authors are real people who have worked hard to achieve their dreams. Shane McCarthy was no exception, and he encouraged our students to pursue their own creative aspirations in not only writing, but any field they were interested in. 


Meeting an author encourages students to explore their own writing abilities, encouraging them to view writing as a valuable skill and not just see writing as a classroom chore. 


Shane shared his creative process, struggles, and successes during his visit. The process of a graphic novel or a comic is fascinating. Our students learned that creativity is not limited to a select few: anyone can express themselves through writing or art. 


Here is a taste of the work done in English in Dr Giles Watson's class this term. More graphic novel work is being displayed in the library. 


 Graphic Novel by Missy-Rae Powell


Graphic Novel by Tessa Hartley

Tessa Hartley
Tessa Hartley


Graphic Novel by Denby Sharpe

Denby Sharpe
Denby Sharpe
Denby Sharpe
Denby Sharpe



Premier's Reading Challenge 2024

The Premier's Reading Challenge began on Monday 6 May. This will continue until August. Students will receive a bookmark and more information during their library class. More information will be available next week.


ALIA National Simultaneous Storytime 2024 

National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops, and many other places around the country.


This year NSS takes place on Wednesday 22 May 2024 at 12.00pm AEST. This year’s book is beautiful and pictured below. We have a beautiful display in the front foyer of the library which children have been enjoying and admiring all term. 


Thank you to Mrs Hassell for all your work creating it. 

Yours in reading, 

Ms Elinor Couper | Head of Library Services