Great Southern Griffins

Canteen Fundraising Day - Saturday 11 May 2024

This weekend, Saturday 11 May is Griffin's soccer canteen fundraising day.  

Please bring cakes, biscuits, slices or lolly bags to the canteen on Saturday.  

Please no nuts or cream.  

Thank you for all those people that have volunteered on the day for set up, BBQ and canteen duties.  Your help is much appreciated.  

Mother's Day Raffle

Griffins Soccer Committee Members

Please find some information about the wonderful Griffins Soccer Committee members. 

I posed the question to them: what have you learned about yourself from being involved in soccer?


Mrs Rebecca Stephens - Chairperson

I joined the Griffins Soccer Committee to carry on the fantastic work of the previous committee. I am passionate about ensuring that Griffins Club is highly regarded in the soccer community, both my children have played soccer for Griffins from a very young age, and I have enjoyed many winters on the sideline as a team manager and soccer mum.


Mrs Libby O’Malley - Registrar 

I have learned that I will never understand the offside rule, no matter

how many times it is explained to me!

I have learned that just like a team, a committee brings together a

group of people with a shared passion and that all players have

something to offer. The key to a successful team or committee is

identifying a player's strengths.

I have learned that I am proud to be involved with a club that has

players from four to 64 years of age and does not discriminate. It brings a smile

to my face on a Saturday when I see a younger player with their new

uniform on doing cartwheels on the pitch or a men's socials player on

Tuesday night hobbling around nursing last week's injury and wearing

black socks!

Most importantly, soccer has reinforced one of my favourite

quotes "You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you



Mrs Naomi Cooper - Uniforms

I love that soccer is a game anyone can play regardless of abilities. Everyone can get out there and try and kick the ball. I love the team spirit of Griffins and how everyone supports each other. Soccer has taught me not to give up; like the players do when it pours down, the wind tears through, and hail stones hit them in the face. They keep going and don't give up getting that goal.


Ms Julianne Dwyer-Adams - Secretary 

I love Soccer, I love being a part of something bigger than myself. I have learned that something so simple as a ball, a pitch, a friend, or an encouraging coach can make such a profound impact. My boys have taught me to have fun, no matter the outcome. 


Mr Kevin De Ny - Committee Member

Hi everyone. I'm French Kev. I am new to the committee and a coach for the Year Six's this year. I'm a stepdad to three kids that play various sports for the Griffins Club. I've learned that getting involved with community sports is something I enjoy. I can share my soccer skills and sportsmanship by coaching younger players. I enjoy supporting the community I decided to settle in and I'm learning some new skills in regard to being part of a committee. 


Mr Darryl Dwyer-Adams - Committee Member

I am more competitive than I thought I was. I love being part of a team. Love being part of a community.


Mr Beau Dwyer-Adams - Committee Member

Whether I coach, referee or play, being involved with the soccer community and the Griffins club has given me a sense of belonging.


Ms Julianne Dwyer-Adams | Secretary Griffins Soccer

Hockey Wine Fundraiser - Orders Open Now

The highly anticipated Griffins Hockey Wine Fundraiser is back for another year. We have an exquisite selection of locally produced wines on offer from Chalari Wines, Castelli Estate Wines and Galafrey Wines .


Wines can be ordered directly from Great Southern Griffins website


Please share this email with your family and friends.

Orders close 3 June 2024.


Wines are $150 for a dozen, including the following varieties:


2024 Rose from Galafrey

2022 Cabernet Merlot from Galafrey 

2022 Aromatikos (Riesling Geurztraminer) from Chalari Wines

2022 Shiraz Tempranillo from Chalari Wines

2021 Cabernet Sauvignon from Castelli Estate

2023 Sauvignon Blanc from Castelli Estate

From the Griffins Club Administrator

Griffins Sport Social Media

As we begin our Winter Sport season you can keep up-to-date with Griffins port news through our social media channels. 



Major Sponsors