Course contributions

Dear Families,


Please consider what contributions your family can make to the school, either in full or in instalments through the school year. This allows us to resource and plan ahead with confidence and efficiency.


Every student has and will continue throughout the year, to be provided with all the stationery, supplies, materials they need for school (with the exception of a pencil case in Y1 – 6). In addition, students have started participating in wonderful and inspiring incursions, excursions and activities that incur significant cost. 


These items and experiences are not included in the ’standard’ curriculum funded by the Department of Education and are only possible due to the contributions families make consistently each year.


If you have not had a moment to turn your attention to Compass/Course Confirmations to make a contribution for 2023, we would very much appreciate you doing so as soon as possible so we can continue to move forward with confidence and ensure all students participate in full.


In all cases of hardship, the school will provide support. In this circumstance we respectfully ask you to please contact the school office to discuss how we can help or set up a payment plan - 8534 6100.


Warm Regards EPS