Big Question - Inquiry Based Learning

Leanne Williams - Learning Specialist Engagement 


EPS teaching teams work hard to find interesting and relevant excursions and incursions for all year groups. The events are directly linked to each year levels Big Questions, and are only possible due to payment of school fees or specific excursion fees. 


Prep - How does our body work and how do we take care of ourselves?

Fire brigade visit

DreamCity incursion 

Dance with Leisa G


How do we know what happened in the past?

Year 1 – National Trust ‘Now and Then’ incursion and Como House excursion 

Year 2 – Werribee Mansion 


Year 3/4 - Because it can occur, should it?

Major Australian historical events incursion 


Year 5/6 - Does where you live make a difference?


Kellie R, Steph, Tom, Jules and Jason (parent/carer (uncle) experts)