Johnny K - 2A
This term, Johnny has worked extremely hard to be a curious learner, asking questions to provoke himself and others to think deeply. This was demonstrated clearly at our excursion to Werribee Mansion, where he recorded many questions in his wonder journal, and utilised different sources of information to answer them, sharing his findings with the class.
Well done Johnny!
Tessa C - 2B
Tessa approaches Literacy sessions with enthusiasm and dedication. Your ideas are endless and whilst sometimes a little on the wild side - they are carefully thought out and executed beautifully! Tessa also takes on board feedback that has allowed her to grow as a writer, where she is creating more fluent, coherent and meaningful sentences. Well done for all your efforts, Tessa!
Aden Z - 2C
Aden consistently approaches our mathematics lessons by searching for ways to challenge himself. He is a student who is willing to contribute his mathematical ideas, thinking and strategies to solve problems with his peers.
This term Aden has demonstrated his mathematical thinking in length and place value, especially challenging himself with three digit numbers. Congratulations Aden!
Owen J - 2B
Owen has consistently demonstrated Responsibility by coming to school ready to learn. He exhibits a dedicated approach to maintaining his personal belongings in an organised and tidy manner, and he extends this considerate attitude to ensuring a clean and orderly classroom environment that benefits everyone. Owen consistently treats others with respect and kindness and readily lends a helping hand to her peers. Owen, your efforts have been truly commendable!