School Council Report
The most recent School Council meeting was held on Monday 29th April 2024.
The meeting opened with an acknowledgement of country that was developed by class 6A and read by Ms Solly.
The main topic for the meeting was the 2023 Annual Report. This report was made available to the school community, with an invitation extended to any parents and carers to attend the first part of the meeting to hear about the school’s achievements in 2023.
The school’s success indicators were derived from the following sources:
- Parent satisfaction survey
- School staff survey
- NAPLAN results
- Student attitude to school survey
Overall, the results for EPS were excellent across the board, in most cases exceeding the comparative scores for all state schools, similar schools in the state, and schools in the local network.
Other items covered in the meeting were:
- Overview of the 2023 financial performance – positive to the set budget.
- Presentation on the objectives and approach to the setting of the 2024 budget. The school remains in a solid financial position.
- Approval of the 2024 confirmed budget.
- Language offering change from Chinese to French.
- Classroom libraries and the school’s approach as to the books offered, including how to deal with sensitivities.
- Enrolments for prep 2025 are now open with 10 enrolments already.
- Building and grounds update:
- Gym bathrooms are ready pending the delivery of a mirror that was damaged in transit.
- Exploring solutions for the small rocks that are impacting the multisports court.
- New basketball hoops, backboards and fins to be installed.
- Consideration to be given to the next 5-year plan for school facilities and what consultation needs to occur.
- Fundraising – a trivia night and golf event being planned.
Chris Simmonds
School Council Member and Convenor of the Finance Committee
Dad of Chloe, 4B and Mia, 1A