Year 8 Merricks Camp

I am delighted to report on the fantastic experiences our Year 8 students had at Merricks Camp. They engaged in a range of activities, from surfing and canoeing to wall climbing and overnight camping. The camp fostered teamwork, resilience, and outdoor skills.

Highlights included beach hikes, trivia nights and cooking on trangias. Most importantly, students formed lasting friendships and bonds. Thank you to our dedicated staff for making this memorable experience possible. 

Justin Wischusen - Head of Year 8

The second day of camp, for me, was definitely the best. On day two my group had a delicious breakfast of scrambled egg and hash browns before going straight into morning surfing. It was really early so a lot of my group was still tired, but the freezing cold water woke us up instantly. We had to walk into the ocean to go to our surfing spot and when we got there I had so much fun. After surfing we went back and had to prepare for camping. They gave us extremely large heavy bags which we had to carry on a 4km walk to our campsite. When camping we had to make our own food in a trangia (which was cool). Somehow my group burnt a bunch of the pasta to the bottom of the trangia and it was so hard to get it off. Overall camp was very fun.

Darion Hermann 

When we got separated into our groups half of us packed and then walked to the campsite for the first night and the other half stayed back. The walk there was about 45 mins, and the walk back was about 35, the whole time along the beach. For the camp dinner we had pasta that we cooked in our tent groups. We woke up the next morning at about 7.00am, had our breakfast bars and then left back to camp. When we got back it was around midday so we had free time. For the rest of that day and the last day there we did various activities such as canoeing, high ropes, surfing (my favourite) and orienteering. For the night that we were sleeping in our cabins, we had nachos for dinner, brownies with ice cream for desert and after that we had trivia.

Astrid Bowditch 

My class was the 2nd group to go on camp, so I heard about the experiences of the classes that went first. They would say that the hike was long or that their favourite activity was surfing. Which I found out were both true, the hike was long and tedious but I loved the sunset on that day as well as just trekking on the beach, which I had never done before. Surfing was so fun, and the day my group went surfing the sun was out and the waves were not too high but not too low, just right. And one of the most important elements of a camp is the food, the food was amazing: it was better than all the camps I have been to, they served burgers, nachos, wraps and more and I also loved how clean and organised the kitchen and dining hall was.

Enerel  Chuluunsukh