Launch of Our Positive Behaviour Expectations Matrix

We are excited to announce the launch of our Positive Behaviour Expectations Matrix, a comprehensive framework designed to promote a positive school culture and foster a supportive learning environment for all students. This initiative is the result of a collaborative effort involving both teachers and students, ensuring that the expectations are relevant, achievable, and aligned with our community's values.


What is the Positive Behaviour Expectations Matrix?

The Positive Behaviour Expectations Matrix outlines clear, detailed behaviours that guide students and staff in their actions and attitudes. These behaviours are categorised under key areas: being safe, being kind, and engaging in learning. The matrix applies these principles in various contexts, including:

  • In the Classroom: Encouraging respectful interactions, active participation, and a focus on personal and academic growth.
  • Outside the Classroom: Promoting positive social interactions, responsible use of school facilities, and respect for the school environment.
  • In the Community: Fostering a sense of responsibility and citizenship, encouraging students to represent our school positively.
  • Online: Teaching digital citizenship and safe, respectful online interactions.

How We Teach and Reinforce Positive Behaviours

To support the implementation of these expectations, we have developed mini-lessons that teach students the skills and steps involved in exhibiting positive behaviours. These lessons are integrated into the curriculum and are designed to be engaging and practical, helping students understand the importance of their actions in various settings.

Additionally, our teachers play a crucial role in reinforcing these positive behaviours. They proactively acknowledge and praise students when they display these behaviours, creating a classroom environment that celebrates and encourages kindness, safety, and engagement in learning.


Bringing Our Values to Life

The Positive Behaviour Expectations Matrix is more than just a set of guidelines; it is a reflection of our school's core values:

  • Connection: We know that we are stronger together. We work to ensure that all belong equally in our community. 
  • Kindness: We treat each other and our world with respect, humanity and empathy.
  • Curiosity: We are open to new ideas about the world and each other. We seek to learn, explore and understand..
  • Excellence: We uphold high standards, challenging ourselves to grow in all we do. We persevere and show resilience to be our best.

These values are at the heart of our Positive Behaviour Expectations Matrix and are brought to life through the daily actions and interactions of our students and staff.


The Role of Parents and Carers

We believe that the success of this initiative also depends on the active involvement of parents and carers. Your support in reinforcing these positive behaviours at home and in the community is invaluable. By working together, we can create a consistent and cohesive approach to behaviour expectations, ensuring that our students thrive in all aspects of their lives.

We are confident that the Positive Behaviour Expectations Matrix will have a profound impact on our school community, fostering a positive, inclusive, and respectful environment for all. We look forward to seeing the benefits of this initiative and appreciate your ongoing support in helping our students embody the values of Connection, Kindness, Curiosity, and Excellence.

Thank you for your commitment to our school's vision and for partnering with us in this important endeavour.


Dr Fred-Ole Sandt - Assistant Principal