Principal's Message 

We are progressing well in Term 2, with a number of great events - some of which you will read about in this newsletter - punctuating our weeks.


In this message, I'd like to update you on some key school improvement initiatives, and to remind families about our shared expectations here at school. 

School-wide positive behaviours

A goal in our current Strategic Plan is that 'Every student feels known, safe and valued at University High School'. To support this goal, over the past two years we have been working on a number of programs and changes here at the school. These include:

  • the use of the Berry Street Education Model to inform how we build positive relationships, identify strengths and develop self and co-regulation strategies with students
  • implementation, from this year, of the School Wide Positive Behaviours program, which is an evidence-informed, context-specific approach to enhancing consistency and cohesion in teaching desired behaviours, and addressing undesired ones, across the whole school. This is based on our newly confirmed school values, and we have recently introduced a positive behaviours matrix, developed with students and staff, and a recognition system across the school
  • enhancing communication between classroom teachers and families through an expanded use of the Compass Chronicle for matters concerning learning progress and readiness to learn. Parents and carers can now respond directly to the classroom teacher if they receive one of these notifications. For all other matters, please contact your child's coordinator, as usual
  • a revised 'Attitude and Effort' progress report rubric to help students and families identify and reflect on strengths and areas for improvement
  • changes to our sub-school systems to create greater consistency, clarity and alignment, including a shift to year-level based sub-schools at Years 7-10
  • the introduction of our homegroup and Social and Emotional learning program, Connect - Self and Others, which will expand further in 2025. This provides practical information about school events as well as careers, wellbeing and Respectful Relationships programs, plus a key contact for students in their Connect teacher
  • an expanded student wellbeing team and the introduction of additional proactive and targetted support programs, including 'Flourish Girl', 'Canine Comprehension' (a group wellbeing experience with specially trained dogs), 'ElephantEd' consent education and workshops addressing bullying, cybersafety and racism

We regularly seek feedback from our students on these initiatives, as well as from our staff and families. This term, the annual Student Attitudes to School Survey is being conducted for all students. Next term, will be the annual Parent Opinion Survey - look out for this.

Curriculum and Senior Pathways

Another important element of our work over the last two years has been revision of our curriculum programs and senior pathways offerings. This year for the first time we offered Year 10 students a wider range of semester-based subjects, giving them greater breadth and choice in their learning. Our VCE-Vocational Major certificate is also in its second year, and we look forward to our first VCE-VM cohort graduating at the end of this year.


In 2025, we will be adjusting our school day to run slightly longer session times, from  6x50 minute sessions per day, to 5x60 minute sessions. This will reduce cognitive switching and lost time in movement between classes, and provide more time for application of learning and review within each session. Our recent Curriculum Day on 15 May provided time for teacher teams to collaborate and prepare curriculum adjustments for these changes. We also spent time working on a revised Year 9 Program which we look forward to sharing with you soon. 


Our Senior Subject Expo is coming up on GAT Day, 18 June. This is an important time for our current Year 9 and 10 students to find out about the subjects and pathways available to them in 2025 and beyond, and all Year 9 and 10 students will be required to attend this event. Parents and carers will be invited to join their child at this expo. Look out for more information soon on Compass Newsfeed.


Please note that, due to the large number of students sitting the GAT, no regular classes run on this day. Parents of students in Years 7 and 8 who require support with supervision of their child on this day should email

School processes and shared expectations

As we progress through the term, a reminder of the following important school processes and expectations, which parents and carers can support at home through your actions and conversations with your child.


  1. Mobile phones are not to be used at school. They must be locked in a student's locker (or left at sub-school if there is a problem with the locker) from 8.45am - 3pm each day, including at recess, lunchtime and during Year 12 study sessions. Please do not expect your child to receive or respond to text messages or phone calls to their phone during the school day.If there is an urgent message for them, you can call the office on 9347 2022 and we will relay it. 
  2. Laptops should be brought to school fully charged each day. There is very limited capacity for laptops to be charged in classrooms or at break times. Please support your child to get in to the habit of charging their laptop overnight. If you require financial support with devices or other learning materials, please contact our office team on 9347 2022 or via
  3. Bags must be stored in lockers during the school day. This is a health and safety matter as bags are a tripping hazard in classrooms and corridors, as well as adding to congestion as students move around the school. Students may carry a laptop sleeve or case only, not a full satchel/business bag. 
  4. Attendance is critical to your child's success in their learning. One day absent per week is the equivalent of almost a full term of learning each year. Our school day starts at 8.35am (locker bell) with students required to be ready and in their Session 1 class at 8.45am. Please work with your child to review their morning schedule and ensure they leave home in enough to arrive at school by 8.35 at the latest.  If your child is sick and cannot attend school, please log this reason on the Compass portal. Students leaving school early are required to check out at the Office, where we will check whether they have parent/carer permission (eg. in case of a medical appointment). 

Thank you for your support of these shared expectations. 


Ciar Foster
