Musical Progress

Work on “The Addams Family: A New Musical”  has really gotten into gear in Term 2. Students have shown impressive commitment to make this a truly special show. Cast members have been rehearsing twice a week after school and at lunchtime whilst the musicians in the band and hands on movers and shakers in our backstage and hair, costume and makeup crews have been putting in equally long hours.  


Special mention must be made of our student leaders. Stage Manager and Assistant Stage Managers Miranda Zabel and Issy Cochoran, and their deputies Finlay Paatsch and Byron So have attended every rehearsal ensuring things run smoothly behind the scenes. Dance Captain Cami Luu, Drama Captain Riley Dexter and Vocal Coach Ana Mihalic Tynan have all been a big help in the running of rehearsals and supporting their peers.


As we approach the end of the term we have our first sitzprobe to look forward to, where the band and cast will come together for the first time. Shortly after this we will go away on Musical Camp at the beginning of Term 3.  This is three days of intensive rehearsal and development at Lady Northcote Discovery Camp in Glenmoore to bring the show together for performance in August.


“The Addams Family: A New Musical” will run for three performances open to the public at the Clocktower Centre in Moonee Ponds on the 16th, 17th and 18th of August. Tickets will go on sale from the start of Term 3. We hope to see you there!


Lucy Fogarty - Year 8 and Lachlan Ridge - Production Manager