Year 10 Forensic Science Excursion – 

Solving Crime & Human Anatomy

In Week 4, the Year 10 Forensic Science classes had the chance to go on an educational excursion to GTAC and the highly exclusive Harry Brookes Allen Anatomy Museum on the grounds of Melbourne University. The Forensics Science class is a brand new elective and course built from the ground up by the talented Science staff here at Uni High. 


The excursion that the students participated in, mostly took place at GTAC. Here they were given the chance to solve a crime using evidence provided by the wonderful science staff at GTAC. The case that the students solved detailed the events of 400 birds that had been killed. Students were given evidence such as fibre, feathers and the poison that was used to kill the birds. Students were given access to high grade technology to analyse the evidence and come to a conclusion. The students were guided by the GTAC staff who gave them the opportunity to understand the procedures of solving a real life crime. The scenario students were given was based on a real life case which took place in the late 2010’s. The experience was designed to give students a greater understanding of how science can be used to solve crimes and real world problems. 

After completing the investigative inquiry workshop at the GTAC lab, students then walked over to the Harry Brookes Allen Anatomy Museum on the grounds of Melbourne University. This Anatomy Museum is highly exclusive and almost never opens to the public. But thanks to the fantastic science staff at Uni High, students were given the privilege of accessing the museum and receiving a private tour. The museum contains real human remains that could be observed and studied by students. The museum also contained pieces of remains that had been diseased. With these exhibits on display, students were able to study organs and body parts. Of course, students were not forced to view the exhibits as some of them may have found the experience uncomfortable, but a majority of the students found the experience educational and positive. They were extremely grateful to be given access to the museum and left with a feeling of wonder and positivity. 


Excursions like these are what make Uni High such a unique school. 


Written by Finlay Paatsch - Year 10