Year 8 Picture Book Comp

In Term 1, Year 8s completed a picture book unit which included a workshop with local author and illustrator, Sue deGennaro. Students learnt how to develop a narrative using concise and deliberate language choices and experimented with illustration techniques, before planning, refining and creating their own. On Friday, April 26th we celebrated our Picture Book finalists and announced Sue’s winning creations. The quality of books and range of topics covered were impressive! 

Congratulations to all our Year 8s for sharing your ideas and creativity in this task.

Congratulations also to the following winners:

1st Place - Karin Kee

2nd Place - Nico Carter Moharic

3rd Place - Oren Sosnowski

Special Mention - Yunus Bateman

Library Winner - Lucy Fogarty

Library Special Mention - Murat Ozen 

Library Special Mention - Yunus Bateman