Maribyrnong Sports Academy

Changes to roll marking & attendance 

Dear MSA Parents/Cares,


All roll marking for High Performance Coaching (HPC) sessions will be now completed via Compass. This is consistent with the whole school approach. As you would for any other absence, Parents/Carers are required to log absences on Compass, or contact an attendance officer, prior. This includes absences where your child will attend classes but miss training before or after school. 


Sporting-related absences should continue to be logged using the online form on the MSA website.  Please continue to communicate with Head Coaches where individual student-athletes are required at specific sessions. 


It is the expectation that students attend all HPC sessions as per the MSA student agreement. We will notify students and parents if attendance falls below 90%, which may put the scholarship at risk. 


Kind Regards,

Maribyrnong Sports Academy 


Menstrual Health Education Workshops

For Senior School female athletes in Term 2.

To register your interest in attending, please click here.


Female Only Gym Sessions