Senior School

Year 11+12

Welcome back! On behalf of the Senior School team, we hope you had a productive break and are back ready to hit the ground running. Term 2 is a long term with a lot of assessment to come. Make sure you are managing your study and revision, as Weeks 6-9 are very busy with SACs and Unit 1 exams. By keeping on top of the work now, you'll find the workload easier to manage as it ramps up later.


Reminder for all VCE students: any absence from a SAC must be supported by a medical certificate, or be an approved sporting absence through the MSA (Academy students only - use the link below).

An unapproved absence will result in the student receiving a score of zero for the SAC. The student will still be expected to complete the SAC when they return to school.


Year 11 Study Retreat

The Year 11 Study Retreat runs in the last week of Term 2, following Unit 1 exams. Please ensure your parents pay and provide consent for you to attend. Attendance is compulsory. More information about the Study Retreat will come out this term.


Year 11 students - Stress workshops in Term 2

Any students interested in attending a workshop on managing stress are invited to express interest by completing the form below. The workshops will be run by Lily, our school psychologist, in Term 2.


2024 Careers and Pathways Support Survey

All Year 11 and 12 students, please complete the following survey for the Careers Team. This will guide the kind of help and information provided to you this year:


Menstrual Health Education Workshops

All female students welcome. The workshops are geared towards active young people, but you do not have to be in MSA to attend. 

To register your interest in attending, please click here.


Year 12 Practice Exams

Unit 3+4 (2024) Practice Exams will take place in the school holidays at the end of Term 3. All students undertaking a Unit 3+4 subject will be required at school to complete practice exams during the second week of holidays, Monday 30 September to Friday 4 October. These compulsory practice exams form an essential part of the College’s teaching and learning revision program for Unit 3+4 students. It gives students ample time to implement feedback provided by their teacher, as well as maximising crucial face to face teaching time in the lead up to final exams. A schedule of exams will be provided closer to the date.

Key Dates

Week 2Thurs 25 AprANZAC Day - no school
Week 3Tues 30 AprAthletics Carnival (optional attendance for VCE students)
Fri 3 MayMarby Market Day

Celebrating Success

Congratulations to these Year 11 students for receiving Green Compass posts:



Caelan LOWRY