Middle School

Year 9+10

Year 10 Work Experience 

Year 10 Work Experience is compulsory -If you are having trouble finding a placement please make an appointment to see Ms Fairbrother or Ms Butera in the Careers Office (A4) sooner rather than later.


Due Date for arrangement forms: 10 May

MORRISBY Counselling sessions

  • Morrisby counselling will run during week 3: 29/4 - 3/5
  • Where: L2
  • When: appointments will be posted on compass as an event
  • Why: To discuss your Morrisby results and provide you with information about subjects, VCE, VM, Uni, TAFE and Apprenticeships

Alpine School Applications

Applications are due Friday 10th May 2024. 

Information about the school program and dates can be found on the compass newsfeed.

Click the link below to apply


Key Dates

Week 225/4ANZAC day - student free day
Week 329/4 - 3/5Y9 Morrisby Careers 
Week 330/4Athletics (compulsory for year 9s, optional for year 10s)
Week 46/5 - 10/5Urban Experience 9B, 9C, 9J
Week 49/5Trade and Tech Fit Day
Week 410/5Alpine School Applications DUE
Week 513/5 - 17/5Urban Experience 9E, 9I
Week 517/5IDAHOBIT day
Week 622/5Alpine School Interviews
Week 84/6Try a Trade Day 
Week 1124/6 - 28/6Year 10 Work Experience
Week 1124/6VCE Acceleration test - Yr 9 students
Week 1126/6Year 9 Assembly - Period 6

Celebrating Success

Congratulations to the following students who have been noted on Compass with a green post to celebrate their academic achievements. 

  • Ben Hogan - community spirit
  • Eric Manoria - community spirit
  • Evan Tudor - community spirit
  • Harrith Nagpal - Biology
  • Indiana Harrison
  • Nina Salter
  • Nate Jenkins