Principal's message
L-R: Principal Justin Hird, Louis Chapman, Brianna Smith, Thomas Barker, Amelia Britt, Amy Schulz, Oktavius Frew (Dux), Finn MacKenzie & AP Martin Mielimaka
Principal's message
L-R: Principal Justin Hird, Louis Chapman, Brianna Smith, Thomas Barker, Amelia Britt, Amy Schulz, Oktavius Frew (Dux), Finn MacKenzie & AP Martin Mielimaka
I extend a very warm welcome to all returning students for 2024, and I also acknowledge all Year 7 students and new students joining from other schools. This year promises to be another positive year for our college, as we embark on the first 12 months of our four-year strategic plan.
In 2023, through significant consultation with our school community, we defined our new college values of Aspiration, Respect and Empathy. Our college prides itself on being well connected to our students, families and local community, where developing and sustaining positive relations are essential for supporting all students to thrive.
The Berry Street Education Model (BSEM), is a key feature at CSC, which is underpinned by the theme of ‘unconditional positive regard for all.’ Our Precinct Model and Mentor Program allows positive and deep connections to develop over a student’s secondary school journey, allowing students to receive individualised support according to their needs. We have high expectations for all staff and students in all aspects of school, which includes work ethic, behaviour, relationships, uniform and adhering to policies that help to maintain our calm classrooms, such as the mobile phone policy. All expectations will be communicated with a BSEM lens, in a kind and friendly manner, to maintain positive relationships.
During 2023 we achieved some pleasing results in various data sets, which were linked to our focus areas.
For our Attitudes to School Survey, the survey students complete every year, we achieved an increase in the positive endorsement rate for the following measures.
These areas will be a continued focus during 2024, this information is explained in the 2024 Focus section.
Our 2023 NAPLAN results were particularly positive, with all Year 9 data sets being above the State Average. NAPLAN tests are conducted in March, therefore we focus on achievement at Year 9, as the Year 7 data is a representation of the students’ ability as they enter our college. In 2023 new NAPLAN measure levels were introduced, therefore measuring student growth from Year 7 (2021) to Year 9 (2023) has not been possible.
NAPLAN Test | CSC Result (students achieving exceeding or strong) | State Average (students achieving exceeding or strong) |
Year 9 Numeracy | 68% | 60% |
Year 9 Writing | 66% | 58% |
Year 9 Reading | 81% | 60% |
Year 9 Grammar and | 63% | 52% |
Year 9 Spelling | 69% | 67% |
Congratulations to all students who graduated in 2023. Once again, our VCE students achieved outstanding results, particularly to our highest performing students who received the following Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).
The shared focus for CSC staff during the 2024 school year will be on the following areas.
School-Wide Instructional Model (SWIM)
A continued focus this year will be improving the quality and consistency of teacher practice across all classrooms. Our instructional model provides teachers with guidance on how effective lessons must be structured, which also aligns with the DET’s High Impact Teaching Strategies. Providing a consistent teaching approach ensures students can access their learning in all classes. Each week the College’s Leadership Team will continue to make classroom visits across the college, maintaining rigour on continued teacher improvement.
At the end of 2023 we surveyed families in relation to our reporting processes, as a result we will continue to review our assessment and reporting processes throughout 2024. The main findings through our 2023 survey were as follows.
Using the survey information, the following reporting changes are being implemented for 2024.
Throughout this year our curriculum leaders will develop a revised assessment and reporting system in readiness for 2025, ideally where teacher feedback given to students, can be made accessible to families in a time efficient manner.
Parent / Teacher / Student conferences will be held.
Staff Professional Development Days
The following are the Staff Professional Development Days for 2024, which are student free days.
We are in our second year of the SWPBS journey. The main component of this framework is establishing extremely clear learning expectations of staff and students in all areas of the school. These expectations will be taught to all students, which will support calm classrooms in all learning areas. This year we will expand our Positive Points Program, which aims to focus on positive behaviours, acknowledging students when they continually display our college values. In 2023 we conducted a successful trial which focussed on wearing the college uniform. More information will be shared with students and families throughout the year.
Students in Year 7 and 9 will be participating in NAPLAN testing from 13-25 March. We encourage all students in Year 7 to 9 to participate in all four tests. Students will need to bring a charged laptop and headphones to their sessions.
NAPLAN provides our school with very important information about student progress that:
Families who have reservations about their child participating NAPLAN should contact their child’s mentor teacher before Friday 16 February. A member from the College's Leadership Team will then make contact with families to discuss any concerns.
As per VCE exams, students who have diagnosed medical conditions may also be entitled to special consideration. This may allow for a variety of possible adjustments to be implemented, such as additional time, a scribe or other supports your child requires to complete tests. If you believe your child may be entitled to special consideration please contact the College's Reception before Friday 16 February to apply for an adjustment.
Students in Year 7 and 8 will once again participate in weekly Literacy and Numeracy homework tasks, as part of the CSC junior homework program. The rationale behind this program is twofold; (1) for junior students to establish good homework habits, slowly building rigour in their efforts as they progress towards VCE and (2) to improve literacy and numeracy skills, which are crucial for many subjects and essential for many parts of life after school.
Using the Education Perfect platform, students will be given weekly tasks to complete, which should take no longer than 30 minutes. These activities will range from NAPLAN style questions to tasks which will consolidate the work they are completing in their English and Maths classes. If you have any questions about this, please contact Sarah Ward (Literacy Learning Specialist) or Sharon Rossiter (Numeracy Learning Specialist).
The main form of communication used by our college is XUNO. Families must download the XUNO Family application to your phone and should ensure notifications are turned on. XUNO is also used to check student attendance and access reports. The college will distribute a newsletter at the beginning of each term, which will be distributed via email. Students are also encouraged to check XUNO daily, monitoring their attendance rate and checking for announcements that may be relevant for them.
Students should aim to have attendance above 95%, which is no more than 2 days absent per term. If families need assistance to maintain high attendance with their child / children, please contact the mentor teacher to discuss supportive strategies.
The Mentor is integral to the positive engagement of students at our college. It is the Mentor’s responsibility to ‘connect’ with the students in their mentor group. The Mentor will be the adult who knows their students best and is the prime caring adult for that student at school. The Mentor will be the primary link between home and school. Parents should contact their child’s mentor in the first instance when they have any concerns or need to share relevant information.
The College Council elections must be completed by the end of March each year, this year we will have 2 parent vacancies available, which will include our College Council President role. More information will be distributed via XUNO News during the first few weeks of the school year. Joining the council is a great way to get involved with the school, specifically gaining a deeper understanding of secondary schools, whilst providing ample opportunities to support the college.
Justin Hird