Student of the Week Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received a Student of the Week Award | ||
Class | Student | Award |
PM | Zachary K | for always listening and trying so hard in all activities. You are such a role model to your peers.
PM | Chloe M | for having an excellent start to her Prep year. You are always smiling, listening and completing work to a high standard. Keep it up! |
PP | Auraelia L | for being an exceptionally respectful listener in Prep P. You have had a wonderful start to school life Auraelia! |
PP | Ellie D | for trying your best and completing 5 star work. You are amazing, Ellie! |
PW | Esme | for taking pride in your work and trying hard in every lesson. Well done Esme! |
PW | Felix | for lining up safely by the bell. Keep it up Felix! |
1G | Evelyn W | for making a wonderful start to her Grade One year. Well done Evelyn for trying your best during every lesson. Keep aiming high! |
1G | Joseph H | for making good choices each day and providing as a positive role model for others. Well done Joseph. Keep up the great effort. |
1L | Cynthia H | for her amazing transition into Year One at DPS. Cynthia works very hard and comes to school excited and ready to learn. Well done! |
1L | Ryteous S | for his determination to complete his work to a very high standard. Ryteous is enthusiastic and works very well independently. Well done!! |
1M | Noah L | for trying his best in all areas! |
1M | Siqi Y | for being friends with everybody and having a good attitude! |
2F | Adrian Z | for always listening and doing his best work! Adrian has shown what a great work ethic he has! Keep up the great work! |
2F | Irene L | for staying on task and producing wonderful work! Great work Irene, so proud of you! |
2M | Zara D | for being her best by persisting and always trying her hardest in every lesson. Keep up the great work, Zara! |
2M | Nate M | for being respectful by always using his manners. Well done, Nate! |
2S | Nick S | for making a positive start to the new school year. Well done keep up the great work. |
2S | Michael T | for making a positive start to the new school year. Well done keep up the great work. |
3B | Chloe Y | for consistently showing respect during our first week of school together. Chloe always uses manners and actively listens to others. |
3B | Mason N | for contributing to setting up the culture of our classroom in such a positive way through his kind and supportive nature. You have been a wonderful role model Mason! |
3G | James X | for consistently being a role model to others in your adherence to the class expectations and for always showing respect to those around you. |
3G | Svetha B | for your consistently kind and thoughtful ways with your classmates. You are such a supportive class member, Svetha! |
3J | Mia X | for looking out for our new class members and making sure they understand the task at hand. You are such a helpful friend, Mia! |
3J | Eesa R | for always doing your best by raising your hand and contributing to our class discussions. Keep up the amazing effort, Eesa! |
3P | Alicia J | for working respectfully with other students in the classroom. Well done Alicia! |
3P | Jasmine T | for having a growth mindset and giving everything a go. Great job! |
4K | Christine L | for settling in so well in the first two weeks of term. She has been following expectations well and showing pride in her work. Keep up the good work Christine. |
4K | Elie R | for always listening attentively and following instructions. He has made a conscious effort to learn the way we do things at DPS and has familiarised himself with what is expected at our school. Keep up the hard work Elie! |
4S | Chanel D | for the kind and caring way in which you have assisted new students to our class settle in, showing them the ways of DPS and ensuring they have friends to play with. |
4S | Adib V | for the excellent example you set for your classmates by always showing determination and striving to achieve your best. Keep it up! |
4G | John K | for being a positive role model for your peers by always listening, following instructions and always doing your best. |
4G | Maksym S | for being able to adapt and be resilient when settling into a new school environment. |
4WB | Keilen C | for always raising your hand when you have a wonderful contribution to our class discussions. You’re setting the example for everyone! |
4WB | Anna O | for looking out for our new classmates and making sure that they have someone to work and play with. |
5C | Roonika | for settling in and focusing ready for the New Year ahead. |
5C | Mika | for settling in and focusing ready for the New Year ahead. |
5E | Chloe D | for setting such a great example for the rest of the class and completing all your work to the best of your ability. Congratulations on becoming JSC representative for 5E! |
5E | Lucas L | for having such a great start to year 5. You have been working productively and contributing well to class discussions. Congratulations on becoming the JSC representative for 5E! |
5K | Jerry L | for being polite and responsible in the classroom - and for helping other students when they need support. |
5K | Chloe M | for trying her best at all times. Chloe has shown a positive attitude to returning to school and has shown she is ready to learn! |
6C | Karm D | for starting Grade 6 with such a positive attitude! You have been extremely helpful and such a role model for your peers. Keep it up, Karm! |
6C | Stephanie Z | for showing a positive attitude throughout your first two weeks of Grade 6! You have shown you are ready for the year ahead. Keep it up, Stephanie. |
6M | Jayden L | for having a great start to the school year and putting in 110% effort in all class activities. |
6M | Shristhi M | for using her wonderful manners every day and showing her politeness in and out of the classroom. |
6S | Christopher S | for his excellent participation and contributions and being a respectful student and peer and displaying the DPS values. |
6S | Alexander L | for positive contributions to discussions and completing classwork to a high standard. |
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Student of the Week award in a Specialist class | ||
Specialist | Student | Award |
Art | Marcus J 2M | for always listening to instructions and focussing on your work. Well done being 'Safe' Marcus! |
Art | Erin T 5E | for using positive language and for helping others. Excellent work displaying the attribute 'Be respectful' Erin! |
Art | Daniel C 5C | for offering to help and support your peers. Excellent work showing 'Respect' Daniel! |
Art | Geordan G PM | for having a positive attitude during Visual Art. Well done for 'Being your best' Geordan! |
Art | Onaysa T 1L | for taking pride in your Artwork. Keep 'Being your best' Onaysa! |
Art | Baran H 3J | for your focus and attention to detail in your Artwork. Well done for 'Being your best' Baran! |
Cultural Studies | Hudson Q 5E | for showing the attribute ‘Be Your Best’ when eagerly participating in the class discussion during Cultural Studies. Great work Hudson! |
Cultural Studies | Steven L 6S | for displaying the attribute ‘Be Your Best’ when completing your cultural flag. Your dragon drawing is amazing! |
Cultural Studies | Farniya A 1G | for displaying ‘Respect’ when listening to and joining in with the class discussion in Cultural Studies. Fantastic effort Farniya! |
Cultural Studies | Elli F PP | for displaying ‘Respect’ by raising your hand to contribute to our class discussion, and using a respectful manner of speaking. Well Done, Elli! |
Cultural Studies | Nyle F 3J | for stepping out of your comfort zone to ‘Be your Best’ and eagerly participate in our class discussion. Great effort Nyle! |
Cultural Studies | Maksym S 4G | for showing ‘Be Your Best’ by starting the year enthusiastically joining with class discussions and completing detailed work. Great Effort, Maksym!! |
LOTE | Alex H 5E | For gradually developing his confidence in LOTE sessions and trying his best to greet the teacher in Chinese. Well done, Alex! |
LOTE | Nika P 2M | For being a curious inquirer in LOTE sessions and showing her enthusiasm to learn Chinese. Keep it up, Nika! |
LOTE | Jasmine T 3P | For being respectful to her teacher and caring for her classmates. Jasmine eagerly participated in all LOTE activities. I am so proud of you! |
LOTE | Benita H 3B | For showing her care to classmates and being a great helper to students in need. Benita also challenged herself to write Chinese characters for the 1st time! Well done, Benita! |
LOTE | Future H 6J | For trying his best in LOTE sessions and challenging himself to jump out of his comfort zone to write the Chinese characters. Keep up with your amazing effort, Future! |
LOTE | Seraphina N 1M | For improving her behaviour in LOTE sessions by making a strong choice when sitting on the floor. Good job, Seraphina! |
P.E | Ezekiel S 6M | for his amazing start to the year. This included his positive attitude during our House Swimming Competition. Keep it up Zeke! |
P.E | Parth C 5F | for his great improvement during our hockey clinic this week. Parth’s improved control of the ball when dribbling and passing was excellent. What a star! |
P.E | Kiki S 5C | for her outstanding listening skills and focus during our hockey clinic this week. Kiki was a great role model for her class. Well done! |
P.E | Alexi A 4S | for challenging himself and moving out of his comfort zone by competing in the House Swimming Carnival. Alexi has also been a positive contributor to our group challenges during P.E. What a great start to the year Alexi!! |
P.E | Omar A 3B | for his determined approach to improve his hockey skills this week in P.E. Wonderful effort Omar! |
P.E | Aren G 2S | for his improved behaviour in Physical Education this week. Keep it going Aren! |
Performing Arts | Marcus J 2M | for his fantastic acting in our first Drama lesson this year! Keep using your imagination and shining your light! |
Performing Arts | Isabella M 3B | for being a trailblazer and being the first Grade 3 student to join choir in 2024! You are a superstar! |
Performing Arts | Terrence R 1L | for his fantastic dance moves in our first Performing Arts lesson! Well done Terrence! |
Performing Arts | Alisha S 5K | for her fantastic insights into scripted drama! Thank you for being so engaged with our lessons. I can’t wait to read your own script! |
Performing Arts | Shahzad G 5E | for her enthusiasm in all areas of Performing Arts; from the classroom to the school choir! I really appreciate your effort! |
Performing Arts | Richard F 4G | for his wonderful display of the school values in our Performing Arts classes. Thank you for being a great example to your peers! |
Science | Zayna D PW | for her amazing listening during science, Zayna is always on task and always puts in her best effort with a smile! |
Science | Zeeshan R 1G | for always following instructions and trying your best. You are always looking to help others and please your teachers, well done! |
Science | Toby Y 3B | for your outside of the box thinking. You showed us how to use the globe and the actual sun to show nights and day which helped the whole class. Amazing job! |
Science | Teleah Z 4S | for your fantastic curiosity during science, you always show that you want to learn more and come up with some of the most fantastic questions. Keep it up! |
Science | Aneeqa A 5K | for your hard work when creating a diagram of the solar system. You went above and beyond filling your page with a range of amazing facts. Great job! |
Science | Janelle L 6C | for your constant engagement during science, you are always ready for the next thing and help others stay on track. Awesome job! |