Assistant Principal's Report
Miss Carly Epskamp
Assistant Principal's Report
Miss Carly Epskamp
Welcome to Week Three of Term One for 2024, our first big newsletter for the year. We have had a wonderful week at DPS, with lots of getting to know you activities and setting up routines and expectations.
Welcome to DPS
This year, we have had many new families start their journey at DPS. Welcome to DPS, we are sure you will love being members of our community. If there is anything that you would like to discuss or need assistance with, please contact the School Office on 9848 1122.
We also welcome some new teachers to DPS: Mei Sng, Madison Francis, Joy Lai, Sarah Pike, Grant Wachter, Marissa Curtolo, Rida Su and Dimi Ferizis who has returned to DPS after spending a year at Bulleen Heights. Welcome also to Sophie and Demi who are our newest ES staff and working in the Prep area with our new students.
Our Prep students have done an amazing job transitioning into Primary School and already appear very settled and comfortable in their new environment. We are so proud of you Preps! The Prep teachers Mrs Meilak, Miss White and Miss Powell are working hard to set the students up for success in their first year of schooling. Well done DPS Preps!
At Doncaster Primary School we firmly believe that attending school every day plays a crucial role in shaping a child's educational journey. Regular attendance allows students to fully engage in classroom activities, discussions, and hands-on learning experiences. It provides them with the opportunity to grasp new concepts, ask questions, and collaborate with their peers. Consistent attendance helps build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills, enabling children to excel academically. This term, we have been reinforcing the importance of attending school every day. Pless see our school website to watch an attendance video featuring our 2023 school captains, it’s a great message.
Remember: it is not ok to be away!
SWPBS - School Wide positive behaviour
We now have many stars in our jar and so many students have come to the office and had the experience of adding their star to the jar, which has been very exciting. I hope you’ve enjoyed the Compass feeds sharing these students achievements with our whole school community.
Congratulations to these students who have earned a yellow – BE YOUR BEST star since our last newsletter: Ruchen 4WB, Faham 3G, Rastin 4G, Joseph 1G, Roham 4G, Mani 4G, Katie 4S, Hana 1L, Malek 1M, Radin 3G, Riyan 3G, Richard 4G, Krish 3B, Ivy 3B, Mary 4WB and Eesa 3J.
Congratulations to these students who have earned a blue – BE RESPECTFUL star since our last newsletter: Svetha 3G, James S 3G, James X 3G, Samyar 3G, Andreas 3G, Faham 3G, Ethan 2M, Fletcher 4S, Nate 2M, Maya 4S, Radin 4K and Ruben 6S
Congratulations to these students who have earned a blue – BE SAFE star since our last newsletter: Rock 3G, Phoenix 3J and Liana 1G
Congratulations to all of these students, you have made a wonderful start to 2024. We are so proud of you!
School Captains for 2024
We are extremely proud of the way that the four School Captains Vivaan, Elijah, Chloe and Hayley have embraced their role and managed two online assemblies already. I look forward to hearing their reports from the National Young Leaders Conference which they are attending this Friday at the Convention Centre with Mrs M.
Parent Volunteers
If you would like to be a parent volunteer at DPS, we encourage you to come along to the online Parent Helper Course on Tuesday 20th February at 2:15pm – 2:35pm. More information will follow on Compass. We’d love to have as many parent volunteers as possible in and around our school, we love having you here!
District Swimming Event
Congratulations to all of the swimmers that attended the House Swimming Event last week. The standard of skills was very high and Mr Spinks and Mr Johnson were very impressed. Good luck to those students attending the District Swimming Event on Monday 19th February.
Kids Help - phone 1800 55 1800
Parent Line - phone 13 22 89
Headspace - phone 1800 650 890
eSafety Commissioner - - Advice for parents and carers to help children have safe experiences online
Have a great week ahead DPS families,
Carly Epskamp