Level 6: Connect

Kristy Cullen, Kym Seccull, Richelle Fraser, Anthony Klvac & Trudy Gau

Welcome back to what will certainly be another sensational year at SEPS! A warm welcome to our new students and their families. 


A quick refresh on the team for the year: 

  • 6A will be taught by Ms Cullen on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Mrs Gau will teach 6A on Thursdays. 
  • 6B will be taught by Miss Seccull 
  • 6C will be taught by Mrs Fraser Tuesday to Friday and Mr Klvac on Mondays. 

The first two weeks of the term we will be focusing on 'Learning to Learn' to establish good habits, positive behaviours, and high expectations. It is a short term and a big, busy year in Grade 6. We are very much looking forward to learning, growing, and supporting each other through this milestone of a year.


Each class is needing a class representative, if you are interested could you please email the office to express your interest and availability.



Week 1 & 2 

Students will be training at Tulip Street on Fridays for their selected Interschool Sport. 


Week 3 

Tuesday 13th of February - House Swimming 

Friday 16th of February - Interschool Sport commences – vs Hampton.


Due to ratio requirements, teachers will be looking for chaperones to accompany teams to matches. Again, please email the office to let us know if/ when you can help.


Student's Personal Devices 

Just a reminder about devices, students must hand in all mobile phones and smart watches to the office before 8:50am.