Level 5: Connect

5A Michelle Stainforth, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Michael Day 

Welcome to the new school year!


In the initial two weeks of the term, our focus will be on 'Learning to Learn,' with an emphasis on developing good habits, and positive behaviours, and familiarizing ourselves with the new timetable. We're enthusiastic about the opportunities for learning and growth throughout the year.


While we'll miss Mrs. Perdriau, who has accepted an exciting new role, we're pleased to welcome Mr. Day as the new 5C classroom teacher. Mr. Day brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the team and his classroom. In 5B, Mr. Miller, also new to SEPS, brings a broad range of skills and enthusiasm. In 5A, Mrs. Stainforth is eager to get to know her class and looks forward to starting a lunchtime choir.


Each class needs a class representative, if you are interested could you please email the office to express your interest and availability?



Week 1 & 2 – Students will be training at school or Tjilatjirrin Reserve on Fridays.


Week 3 – Tuesday 13th of February is the Level 4/5/6 Swimming Carnival

Interschool Sport commences – vs Hampton.

Teachers will be looking for chaperones to accompany teams to matches. Please email the office to let us know if/ when you can help.



Reminder: Students must hand their phones into the office before school starts