Level 3: Connect

We wish to warmly welcome all our Level 3 students and families to the 2024 school year. We hope you all enjoyed a relaxing break, spending time with family, friends and loved ones.
Please let us re-introduce ourselves:
3A - Miss Claire Parsons
3B - Ms Amanda Stanford (Mon, Tues, Wed) and Ms Eileen Thompson (Wed, Thurs, Fri)
3C - Ms Jana Hain (Mon, Tues, Fri) Ms Lizzie Parmer (Wed, Thurs)
During our first two weeks of term we will be revising our strategies for learning and school organisation. We call it our 'Learning to Learn' focus where we work together to set our agreed expectations and values which will underpin how we go about our day both inside and outside the classroom. It enables students to connect with and build their relationships in their new class groups, while also focusing on how we apply ourselves across all Curriculum Learning Areas.
The Level 3 team are looking forward to a fun-filled busy Term 1. We are already so impressed with how our students have settled in this week, showing their initiative, organisation and readiness for learning. We will work together as a team to encourage, support and celebrate progress across all learning opportunities.
Level 3 students have Specialists on Wednesdays and Fridays.
This term the students will be preparing for NAPLAN, using our laptops to support learning in all areas of the curriculum and working with Mr Marco in the garden and kitchen. We will send out requests for parent helpers soon as we would love your support in the classroom and with Mr Marco's program. We will also be scheduling an Excursion during the term, which will be communicated via Compass in the coming weeks.
Daily Reminders:
- With the change in timetable, we have noticed just in the few days being back that students are hungry. As we build a new routine your child might need a few extra fruit snacks. Please discuss this with your child.
- School diaries - This is the most direct method of communication with your child's teacher and will be checked and signed by the teacher daily. Parents can also send an email to the school email which will be forwarded to your child's teacher.
- Hats - SEPS has a 'No Hat No Play' policy and will be unable to play in the unsheltered areas of the yard if they do not have their hats each day.
We are looking forward to a fun and exciting term.
The Level 3 Team.