Level 1: Connect

Welcome back!

Welcome back to all of our SEPS families. We hope you had a terrific break and you have come back with recharged batteries. Let us introduce ourselves:


1A - Mrs Suzanne Condran (Mon-Wed), Mr Sean Daley (Thurs-Fri)

1B - Mr Leon Tremain

1C - Mrs Nishtha Kapoor


Our first two weeks of term will be our 'Learning to Learn' focus where we work together to set our agreed expectations and values which will underpin how we go about our day both inside and outside the classroom. It enables students to connect with and build their relationships in their new class groups, while also focusing on how we apply ourselves across all Curriculum Learning Areas.


We have had a great first week back at school. Students have adjusted beautifully to our new school-wide classroom routines and expectations-

  • Soft start in the classroom from 8:50 am. Bag and water bottle away, diaries in the tub, sitting at their desks engaging with a soft start activity.
  • At 10 am we have been having a fruit snack. Children are invited to eat fruit, vegetables or a yoghurt during this time. If you could please continue to include one of these items in your child's lunch, that would be very much appreciated. 
  • We have a new timetable structure. Recess will be from 11am-11:30am (with students having 10 minutes eating time prior to going outside). 
  • Lunch eating in class will be 1:30pm-1:45 pm, with students going out to play after eating until 2:30 pm. Students have been doing a wonderful job of eating at their tables and socialising with their peers. They should be very proud of themselves for packing up their belongings before leaving the classroom!
  • At the end of the day, students have been tidying up their learning space and packing their bags with their diaries and water bottles, ready to go home. What superstars!!

Below is the Specialists timetable for the Level 1s in Term 1. 



9am – 10am 



11am – 11:30

11:30 -12:30 

12:30  – 1:30 

Lunch Eating

1:30 -1:45 


1:45 - 2:30 

2:30 – 3:30

PE Dave




Art Jo








Performing Arts  





9am – 10am 



11am – 11:30

11:30 -12:30 

12:30 – 1:30 

Lunch Eating

1:30 -1:45 


1:45 - 2:30 

2:30 – 3:30

PE Kate 




Art Julie








Performing Arts  




Parent consent forms have been sent home in student diaries. Could you please fill these out and send them back to your classroom teacher.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Thank you!


Please note we are a sun-smart school and it is a requirement that all students wear a wide-brimmed hat. Level 1, students can leave their hats in their classroom bag locker if that works for your family.  If your child attends Their Care, they will need to take their hat with them. 


We are looking forward to a fantastic 2024 with your beautiful children!


Suzanne, Sean, Nishtha and Leon