Year 2



In Reading this term, the Grade 2 students completed an author study. We focused closely on the author Jeannie Baker. Students started off learning about Jeannie Baker, who she is as a person and what kind of author she is, as well as how she creates her illustrations using collages. They were then introduced to different books by the author, where students applied a range of comprehension strategies, including summarising, analysing, inferring, making connections and critiquing. Our lessons focused on aspects of the author’s craft, such as the characters, settings, problems, solutions, language features, illustrations and layouts of her texts. Throughout the unit, students had the opportunity to showcase their learning about Jeannie Baker by completing various reading responses.

Students also focused on nonfiction texts that aligned with the topic of the fiction texts from the author study. This allowed the students to continue developing their understanding of the different types of nonfiction texts, how to read them and how to apply strategies to understand them.











During Term 4, the Grade 2 students focused on Explanation Texts. They created non-fiction texts that described how and/or why something happens e.g.  “The lifecycle of a butterfly” or “How rainbows are made?”. The Grade 2’s then moved on to creating Persuasive Texts. During Persuasive writing the Grade Two’s explored the difference between an opinion and a reason. Throughout the term, they identified the purpose of a persuasive text and they examined the structure which included - title, opinion, reasons and concluding statements. As well as being exposed to language features such as modality words, grammar and punctuation. They followed a writing cycle of planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing that they worked really hard on making their persuasive texts sound convincing. Congratulations Grade 2’s on how much you have grown as writers this year!




Brainstorming persuasive writing idea







During Term 4, the Grade 2 students have been focusing on a wide range of topics. Students began the term learning about chance. During this short unit the Grade 2s were using the language of chance through familiar stories, including the use of statements that include likely, unlikely, will happen, won’t happen, impossible and certain. The major number and algebra unit this term had the students focusing on fractions. During the fractions unit students have been learning about halves, quarters and eighths of objects and collections. They have been learning to identify and compare these fractions. Students have also been learning about location. During location lessons students have been learning about the following and giving instructions through the use of directional language such as right, left, under, above, behind and in front. They have been learning how to use simple maps and locational language to find objects. This term the students enjoyed learning about capacity where they were able to estimate and measure the capacity of different containers using water. To the end of the term, the students are learning to apply their number and algebraic thinking skills during a problem solving unit where they will revisit strategies learnt throughout the year including place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The students have worked well in Mathematics this year and are commended for their fantastic efforts. 




We're excited to share the incredible journey our students have embarked upon in the We Share the Environment unit during this term. It's been a captivating exploration of understanding and appreciating the world around us, and we want to take a moment to reflect on the key insights and discoveries made by our young learners. 

Our students gained an understanding about different types of environments—like nature spots, buildings and organised environments. They found out that each type needs special care. Whether it's appreciating the beauty of nature, understanding how buildings are made or realising the planning behind managed spaces, our students now get the whole picture of our surroundings. With this knowledge, they enthusiastically applied their understanding by creating their own world on Minecraft. Well done, Grade 2s!

















During Term 4, the Grade 2 students continued to explore light sources. They have been learning about the different types of light sources such as the sun, torchlight and fire. 

The students have been learning about the physical changes that can be applied to different materials and objects. They have explored making physical changes through bending, twisting, folding and stretching. They have been learning about the effects that physical changes make to shapes and objects, including whether objects return to their original shape or are altered after being bent, stretched, melted and/or twisted.   The students particularly enjoyed this unit as they were able to experiment with physical changes to foods such as cooked and uncooked spaghetti and marshmallows.










LOTE - Chinese

This term the Grade 2 students have been engaging in Chinese lessons with their classroom teachers. During these sessions students have been learning about greetings, numbers, colours and family members. The students have been experimenting responding in Chinese to the class role and through simple communication with their peers. The Grade 2s have enjoyed watching videos when learning about Chinese through various songs. 

The Grade 2 students have adjusted well to the change in the Chinese learning this term and are congratulated for their efforts with Chinese this year. Well done Grade 2s!




During this term our grade 2 students have focussed on the sports of badminton, hockey, and rugby. They have worked on these sports to help assist them to develop the fundamental motor skills which include, throwing, catching, striking, running, and dodging. They have all done a great job working on these skills. Students have worked on these sports and have developed the relevant skills required to play. They have been able to showcase all the skills used in each of these sports and have begun to engage in a game-based learning where each class participates in modified games of each sport. The aim for our learning was to engage all students in games-based learning and give everyone the opportunity to showcase their skills in games. During this term we achieved that for each student. Students were asked to problem-solve and are beginning to develop tactics to assist them when playing these sports. This has been a great year working with the grade 2’s and I wish them all the best going into grade 3.