Chev Need to Knows 

28 March 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


I trust you are well as we continue to live another chapter of Chevalier College.


Easter marks the pinnacle of the Christian faith, embodying themes of renewal and hope. At Chevalier College, we mirror these values in our commitment to fostering a spirit built on kindness, compassion, integrity, and service to others, inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ and the mission of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC).


During Easter, we reflect on the ultimate sacrifice made by Christ, and we celebrate his resurrection, symbolising the triumph of light over darkness and life over death. This resurrection narrative resonates deeply with the MSC charism of spreading God's love and compassion both locally and globally.


In our school, the Easter season serves as a reminder of our responsibility to emulate Christ's example by reaching out to those in need, promoting justice, and nurturing a culture of inclusivity and understanding. As an MSC community, we strive to embody the essence of Easter, spreading the message of love and hope in our community and beyond.

Flipped Mondays

Our most recent Flipped Monday was 18 March. Towards the end of the day, we surveyed half of our students – the other half will be surveyed after Monday 8 April. A summary of responses from students across Years 7-12 can be seen below.

This was the first of six surveys that will be distributed to students and teachers over three months from March to June 2024. We will also continue to seek feedback from various other sources, including from parents via a newly established email address


Feedback from five parents who have used this feedback avenue has been de-identified and shared with the Action Research Team. Our action research will focus on both the student and teacher experience of future-facing initiatives.  Furthermore, in Term 2 there will be observations of students and teachers on Mondays and focus group interviews with students and staff. Complementing this will also be the distribution of a survey to parents in May, with follow-up focus group interviews in June. Review of data will be ongoing throughout the process, with a view of sharing that data in late July, early Term 3.


On another not unrelated matter, the Micro-credential/Learning from Home Update, I can report that the number of students who have attained the Micro-credential is as follows:



15 Dec 2023

15 Jan 2024

9 Feb 2024

13 March 2024

26 March 2024

Number of students completed the credential







Number of parents attended workshop

*Note: number unchanged as no workshop since 13 March








Number of parents provided permission and signing acknowledgements/waiver








Number of students signed acknowledgements to learn from home







Open Day

Please be reminded that we will host our annual Open Day from 10.00am to 2.00pm on Saturday 6 April.


The Chevalier College Open Day serves multiple purposes, but at its core, it's a humble invitation for our local community to explore an MSC educational setting that earnestly embraces the values of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC). Through this event, we not only showcase our facilities and programs, but we also extend an authentic representation of the spirit that permeates our school - one characterised by kindness, compassion, hospitality and inclusion.


As a future-facing learning community, we recognise that our journey is ongoing and imperfect. We openly share our challenges and areas for growth, viewing them as opportunities for learning and improvement. As prospective families step through our doors, they're welcomed into an environment where genuine interactions among staff, students and parents reflect the lived experience of MSC Spirit.


Our commitment to hospitality extends beyond a mere welcome; it encompasses a sincere openness to others, a willingness to listen, and a dedication to understanding and honouring the diversity within our community. We recognise that true hospitality requires humility, acknowledging that our pursuit of 'best practice’ and ‘next practice’ is a collective endeavour that thrives on dialogue, empathy, and mutual respect.


During Open Day, we invite prospective families to join us on this journey of growth and transformation. We offer not just a school, but a vibrant community where kindness, compassion, hospitality, and inclusion are not just ideals, but are guiding principles that shape our collective identity. Our vulnerability is a testament to our humanity, a reminder that we are all works in progress, committed to creating a space where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and respected.


In conclusion, may all Chev families enjoy the joys and blessings which come with the hope that accompanies the Resurrection of Jesus.




Greg Miller


Project Compassion

This is the last week for students and families to donate to Project Compassion. Online donations can be made through the Project Compassion website.

Easter Liturgy

As we enter the weekend, I wish each of you a very blessed Easter. Parents and carers are warmly invited to attend our Easter Liturgy on Tuesday 2 April commencing at 9.00am in the McGrath Hall.


There are also many Easter liturgies being celebrated throughout the area over the long weekend:


St Thomas Aquinas, Bowral

Corner of

Bendooley and



St Paul’s, Moss Vale,

24 Garrett


St Anthony’s, Tahmoor

20 Stratford Road



Eridge Park Road


Thursday 28

Holy Thursday








Friday 29

Stations of the Cross





Friday 29

The Lord’s Passion






Saturday 20

Easter Vigil





Sunday 31

Easter Sunday Mass




10:00am (school hall)



Alexander (Sandy) Abbey

Assistant Principal – Faith Formation and Mission

Winter Uniforms

Winter is fast approaching, students are required to return to school in Term 2 in their Winter uniform.


Visit the shop during the term time opening hours, or alternatively you are welcome to come in during the holiday break. Please note the shop will be closing at 12.30 on Friday 5 April. 


Visit the website for term time and non-term time opening hours, price lists and further information. 


We also welcome orders over the phone during opening hours, and we will assist the student with sizing where required.

We look forward to seeing your children back at school on Tuesday 2 April next week after the Easter long weekend.


The last day of Term 1 is Friday 12 April.

Open Day – Saturday 6 April, 10am – 2pm

Our annual Open Day is coming up soon. If you have any friends or family interested in a tour of our facilities on Open Day, please direct them to our bookings page. 


It’s a lovelyopportunity to see everything on offer at the College including the key learning areas, extracurricular activities, agriculture and the farm, visual and performing arts, and to enjoy some great hospitality from our student-run Jules Café. Tours are led by the students so families can ask any questions and get a feel for day to day life at Chevalier College. 


On that note, if your child would like to volunteer on the day or is planning to participate in sport or performing arts, or help in a learning area, please ask them to complete an Expression of Interest form in the next few days.

Winter Sports Training begins next week

All Winter sports teams will begin training next week. All students who trialled are expected to attend. Team announcements will be made throughout the week. Students should check the notice board outside C1 throughout the week. 


Information regarding the purchase of team uniforms will be provided next week.

Rugby 16s and OpensMain OvalTues/Thurs 3:45pm- 5:15pm
Rugby 15sSadlier – Charlotte Street EndTues/Thurs 3:45pm- 5:15pm
Rugby 14s & 13sCoates OvalTues/Thurs 3:45pm- 5:15pm
Soccer Boys OpensFar Avenue – Field Closest to Moss Vale RoadTues/Thurs 3:45pm-5:00pm
Soccer Boys 13s, 14s 15sFar Avenue – Fields closest to Dam Tues/Thurs 3:45pm-5:00pm
Soccer Girls OpensSadlier – Farm endTues/Thurs 3:45pm- 5:00pm
Soccer Girls JuniorsMeadows closest to Moss Vale RoadTues/Thurs 3:45pm- 5:00pm
Netball OpensJFCTues/Thurs 3:45pm-5:00pm
Netball IntersMcGrathTues/Thurs 3:45pm-5:00pm
Netball JuniorsCHEDTues/Thurs 3:45pm-5:00pm
Tennis ISA Team (Check list outside C1)Multipurpose CourtsWed 3:45pm-5:00pm
Tennis Development (Check list outside C1)Multipurpose CourtsTues 3:45pm-5:00pm

Open Day sport display – Saturday 6 April

The below teams/squads will be holding training sessions/friendly games on the College Open Day to help showcase our thriving Sports Program to prospective families.

  • All students participating are expected to attend in full sports uniform. 
  • Rugby players should wear College Rugby shorts and Jersey or Sports Shirt.
  • Uniform shop will have College Rugby shorts and socks on sale Thursday and Friday next week.
  • Students participating in the College XCC MTB Championship need to advise their coaches of their inability to attend their relevant sport.
Rugby – Opens & 16sMain Oval10:00am -11:15am
Girls Football – Juniors (Years 7-9)Sadlier/Coates Oval10:30am – 11:45am
Girls Football – OpensSadlier Oval11:45am – 1:00pm
Rugby – 13s & 14sCoates Oval 11:30am- 12:45pm

Cross Country Carnival - registrations now open

The Cross Country Carnival will be held on Monday 8 April on the College grounds.  Any student wishing to participate must complete their registration via SportsTracker.Registrations will close 10:00am Wednesday 3 April. For more information on Sports Tracker Registrations please follow the student user guide.


Only students who are registered to participate will attend the event.

  • All other students will attend Flipped Monday classes as per their timetable.
  • Students participating in the event are permitted to wear the College sports uniform to school. 
  • Students in Years 11 & 12 may change into appropriate attire prior to the event and must change back into school uniform at the conclusion of the event.
  • Students in Years 10 & 11 who are approved to complete Flipped Learning from Home and are participating in the carnival, will need to attend school for the full day.  They will not be permitted to arrive late or leave early.
  • Students in Year 12 who are approved to complete Flipped Learning from Home and are participating in the carnival, will be permitted to sign out to continue studies from home once their event is complete.

Coach Phillips

Extra Curriculum Administrator

  • 29 March - Good Friday - students do not attend school
  • 1 April - Easter Monday - students do not attend school
  • 2 April - students return to school after Easter long weekend
  • 2 April - Easter Liturgy 
  • 4 April - CAPALoT Concert
  • 5 April - Year 12 Studies of Religion Excursion - Ramadan Night Market
  • 8 April - Cross Country Carnival (by registration)
  • 10 April - Year 8 Da Vinci Decathlon
  • 11 April - Year 11 Visual Art Excursion
  • 11 April - Year 9/10 Da Vinci Decathlon
  • 12 April - Last day of Term 1
  • 30 April - First day of Term 2

Chev Need to Knows Archive

22 March 2024

15 March 2024

8 March 2024

1 March 2024

23 February 2024

16 February 2024

9 February 2024

2 February 2024

29 January 2024