Junior School Report

Ms Jessika Cichy 

Message from the

Director of Learning

Junior School

Ms Jessika Cichy

A big welcome to our year 7 students and families, and welcome back to all our Year 8s and their families. I hope this newsletter finds you all well and excited for the new year! As we dive into 2024, I am delighted to report that our Junior School students have settled in well, embracing the challenges and opportunities of a new academic year. Our wonderful staff have used the first month to get to know all our students, and I am incredibly grateful to be supported by each one of them to ensure our students all achieve their best.


Recap of the First Week:

It was a busy start to the term with our Year 7s participating in an alternative program designed to set the stage for a successful year ahead. From study skill workshops to team-building activities, our Year 7s immersed themselves in a week of growth and learning, and what better way to conclude this week of discovery than with Adventure Day! 


Our Year 7s travelled to the Enchanted Adventure on the Mornington Peninsula where they spent the day amidst the treetops, mazes, and tube slides. Our students forged memories that will last a lifetime, all while strengthening bonds with their peers and teachers. Meanwhile, our Year 8s have been settling into their classes, getting to know their teachers, and familiarising themselves with the rhythms of the school year. It's been a pleasure witnessing their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn as they navigate the transition into a new grade.


Coming Up:

In term 1, we have some exciting events – including our Year 8 Global Literacy excursion in the middle of March, and our Junior School Day Trip to ‘The Ranch’ in the last week of school. Both students and families will hear more about this soon in an upcoming parent email. 


Aiming for Success:

As we embark on this new journey together, I want to emphasise the importance of our theme of high expectations for the year. We believe in supporting the success of every child, and to achieve this, we kindly remind parents to ensure their children arrive at school on time, in the correct uniform, and equipped with all the necessary tools for learning. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated and contributes to the positive learning environment we strive to cultivate at our school. Please assist us by checking Compass regularly, and do not hesitate to contact myself or your student’s year level coordinator if you need assistance with any of the above.


Should you have any questions or concerns as we progress through the year, please do not hesitate to reach out to us in the Junior School. We are here to support you and your child every step of the way. Please check your emails as I have sent through all our contact details and information there. If you did not receive this email, please contact the school so we can update your details and ensure you are receiving all our communications.


In closing, I extend my sincere gratitude to our Junior School community for your ongoing support and commitment. Together, I am confident we will make 2024 a year filled with growth, achievement, and countless moments of joy and discovery.

Ms Jessika Cichy 

Director of Learning, Junior School

A note from City of Kingston Immunisation Program

Year 7 and Year 10 School Immunisation Program for 2024


Friday 19 April          Year 7 and Year 10


Please note the requirements for a safe and efficient immunisation day

  • Students to be in their sports uniform or loose clothing.  
  • The vaccination area requires an entry and exit point with a waiting area for students to wait seated on the floor for 15 minutes.
  • Screens for a suitable level of privacy for students and nurses to be provided.
  • School to supply a staff member to supervise their students pre and post vaccination.

International students

Students attending Australian schools may access vaccines through the school immunisation program and should be included when consent forms are distributed. 


Atsi students

If you are aware of any Atsi students at your school, they may be eligible for additional vaccinations. You may recommend they email immunisation@kingston.vic.gov.au to notify us of their requirements.


Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to yet another year of successfully working together.


City of Kingston

Immunisation team

9581 4870

Customer Care : 1300 653 356

Immunisation: 03 9581 4870
