Senior School Report

Ms Anna Papagiannopoulos

Message from the 

Director of  Learning

Senior School

Anna Papagiannopoulos

I would like to start by extending a warm welcome to all our Senior School parents, guardians and students for 2024. This is an exciting new year full of opportunities and new experiences awaiting us all! 


I would also like to introduce myself as the head of the Senior Sub-School. I look forward to working with you in making these last, pivotal years of schooling as stress-free and supportive as possible for our students. Of course, I could not do this without the incredible team of people in the Senior School Management Team for 2024:


Assistant Principal (Years 10-12)

Mr Jason Tickner


Assistant Principal (VM)

Mr Travis McIntosh


Director of Learning (Senior School)

Ms Anna Papagiannopoulos

Year 12 Coordinator

Ms Helen Ifandis


Year 11 Coordinator

Mr Kristian Gropel


Vocational Major (VM) Coordinator

Mr Jonathan Roberts


Senior School Education Support

Ms Vicky Karayiannis


Careers and Pathways

Ms Geraldine Borgonha


Headstart Coordinator

Jane Jamieson


I would also like to extend a warm welcome to teachers new to the senior school this year: Ms Olivia Smetana, Mr Jeffrey Pham, Mr Kevin Phan, Mr Nguyen Vu, Mr Luciano Murray, Ms Fan Shen, Ms Fiona Bisko, Mr Shankar Chandrasegaran and Ms Gowri Nair.


Additionally, I would like to formally introduce the Senior School Captains for 2024:


College Captains

Zoi Spiliopoulou and Jorden Khauv


College Vice-Captains 

Tyson Ho and Omaida Sultan


Arts Captain

Sky Tran


International Captain

Nnika So Thyna


Vocational Major Captains

Maxi Ioane and Elaiza Palagi-Sundar

Sports Captain

Mark Li

Inclusion and Wellbeing Captain

Isabelle Lette


We have already had an incredible start to 2024 with our Year 11 Study Program and Year 12 Camp. Both programs were a great success and have helped our students understand their commitments to their learning and their wellbeing, as well as the wide range of support available to them in the form of the College staff, but also external services and resources. The feedback from the students was glowing and the tone has been set for a great year at Westall.


A hearty congratulations and well done to the organisers of these programs; Ms Helen Ifandis and Mr Kristian Gropel.


Further thanks are extended to the Senior School staff, without whom these events would not be possible.


Our focus at the Senior Sub School is on creating independent learners. Students in Years 11 and 12 are encouraged to show initiative and to practice self-sufficiency in their learning. For this reason, we are encouraging VCE students to consider if their question/request could be sent as a message or email. Better yet, if they can find the answer on their own, they would have learned a valuable lesson in problem solving and independence! Please promote this way of thinking in the household to better support students with this change.


Finally, we are extremely lucky to be placed in the new Senior Learning Centre building this year. Students are loving the space and we are loving getting to make it about senior learning! Students are reminded to ensure they are abiding by the rules so that we can keep our new area clean and orderly!

Ms Anna Papagiannopoulos

Director of Learning, Senior School