Thank you to everyone who participated in Music activities this year.
We hosted Stringfest, attended Intermediate BandFest and many students presented at Brighton’s Got Talent. The House Choral Festival was twice as big as 2022 and Kirby were worthy winners. Our Primo Band was our best yet and we hope for big things in 2024.
Highlights of Classroom Music were the Year 10 Band Night hosted by Mr. Daniel Moss. Our Year 9 class featured superb performances. Year 8 Music featured Reggae Songwriting, Blues Songwriting and a popular songs unit in which some of our best instrumentalists showed their ability on their second instrument. Students own compositions and remixes were created in Garageband on the iMacs. Most impressive were our 8 SEAL students who had missed out on Year 7 Classroom Music. Year 7 wrote great Blues Songs and hopefully will have Tubular Bells stuck in their heads from time to time.
There will be some new faces in the department in 2024. We bid a fond farewell to Mr. Daniel Moss, our esteemed flute teacher, Mr. Peter Bartels is leaving to concentrate on writing his next flute textbook. We will miss his expertise and kindness, Mr Jordan Dearsley, our guitar and bass teacher has been accepted into “Teach For Australia” and will be gaining his classroom teaching qualification in a school in the northern suburbs, e will miss his friendliness, enthusiasm and amazing guitar skills. Finally I will be seeking new adventures elsewhere for 2024. Thank you so much everyone for the wonderful music you’ve shared with me and the support everybody has given me as Director of Music. I’m leaving with many happy memories.
Please remember to play the Steel Pans quietly, shut the music room door and follow the xylophone storage procedure- we’ve practised this...
Are you continuing in 2024? Get your application and payment in before Christmas to avoid missing out.
Are you discontinuing in 2024 but you have a school instrument? Instrumental Teachers and I will be in on Monday and Tuesday to receive instruments.
Paul Varney,
Director of Music