As their time in the Language Centre drew to a close, our wonderful students kept very busy! They went to the Melbourne Zoo, visited Campion to organise textbooks for 2024, investigated the beach at Rickett’s Point, and shared their portfolios with 9I students.
Chaufferred by Mr Singh, the students enjoyed a tour of our magnificent zoo. We were lucky enough to see the baby meerkats - the first ones born there in five years – as well as a boa constrictor having a meal, baboons entertained by selfies and aged tortoises creeping around their enclosure.
After a visit to Campion, we went to Rickett’s Point, where we did some successful crab-spotting, rock pool checks and a paddle in the shallows. Under the watchful eyes of Ms King and Liz, the students prepared a barbecue for each other to share once back at school.
The final activity for our group was their graduation. They started the afternoon by sharing their portfolios with another class. A big thank you to Ms Benedetti and her 9I students for being so attentive, encouraging and supportive when the LC students shared their photos, school work and reflections of their time in the Language Centre this semester. After some speeches by their proud teachers, the class of Semester 2 2023 received their certificates from Ms Angelidis.
Many thanks to Mr Agg, Ms Jessica, Ms Bolton, Ms Walter, Ms Benedetti, Ms Kakkar, Ms Fina, Ms Behrendt, Mr Di Natale and Ms King for their wonderful support this semester.
And finally, congratulations to all our Language Centre students for their bravery, their enthusiasm, their commitment, resilience and kindness. We wish you all well for the future.
Jillian O'Neill
Language Centre Manager