Yesterday, our wonderful library captain, David Hollins - who has still been coming into school Monday to Thursday for D&D and Chess Club, even though the Yr 12s left weeks ago – presented the following students with reading awards.
The Jane Moloney reading award, for students in Year 7&8 who have borrowed and read the most novels in Semester 2, went to Tanishka Dash (Yr 7) and Jashn Oberoi (Yr 8).
David also handed out certificates to the 13 students who completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge. These students read 15 novels between January and September this year. Congratulations to:
Rhys Yr 7
Michael Yr 7
Grace Yr 7
Zoe Yr 8
Thalia Yr 8
Summer Yr 8
Deveron Yr 8
Jashn Yr 8
Alice Yr 9
Bianca Yr 9
Jaxon Yr 9
Don’t forget that all students have access to our Wheelers Eplatform for borrowing ebooks and audiobooks. I’ve included details for accessing Wheelers.
Have a lovely break with lots of reading!
Ms. Boyd and Ms. Hill.