Senior Years Update

Stronger Together  

Ms Erin Juers provided the source of inspiration for our opening theme in 2024 - Stronger Together.  


Ms Juers spoke to our community about the analogy of Shelford being like a tree. A tree, like Shelford, has many functioning individual parts. While each individual part of the tree has a strength and purpose on its own, the tree requires all parts to function together. The parts of the tree, like the parts of Shelford, are stronger together.  


Senior students have been exploring the ways we are stronger together. We have explored how individuals in our school community have impacted students’ growth and development, celebrated students’ strengths, and identified opportunities to use these strengths to compliment strengths in others. This is a theme we will carry through our wellbeing program in Term 1. Each year level has been engaging in activities to help us become stronger together: 


Our Y11 cohort engaged in Chapel this week and spoke about connections and our desire to be known, seen, and understood. Students were learning more about their similarities, differences and defining what makes them unique as a community. It was fantastic to see them boldly contribute to these activities.  


Our Y12 cohort are beginning with the end in mind. They are thinking about the lasting impact they want to have on the Shelford community in this historic year and they have enjoyed opportunities to spend time with one another in homegroups and SILC, including decorating their own mugs for the SILC common room. 


This week the entire senior cohort came together to celebrate Valentine's Day in SILC. In the coming weeks we endeavour to ensure all students are truly known and that we take the time to appreciate the people around us. To learn about them, with them and from them.  


It is wonderful to have welcomed our students back and we look forward to a fantastic year ahead - stronger together. For your convenience, please see an attached link to key date for each year level in 2024. 


Rebecca Wright

Year 12 Coordinator