Chaplaincy News

Beginning Well to End Well 

“In the beginning…” 

Genesis 1:1 


It seems somewhat counterintuitive to think about ending well at the beginning of the year. And yet, there is great wisdom in approaching the beginning with the end in mind. We see this in many different aspects of life –  from laying a good foundation in order to build a beautiful home, visualising the finishing line in a running race,  using a good quality olive oil at the beginning of a delicious recipe, having a comprehensive business plan before launching a new idea, or casting a vision for an image you want to paint or draw.  


As we have gathered for our first Chapels this term, I have spent time acknowledging the significance of this year with the students and chosen to lean into this reality in order to give focus to the days we have in front of us. When we allow ourselves to look to the end point, we enter into the freedom of imagining what we want to create as a community, memories we want to form, and legacies we want to leave. This has been both empowering and encouraging. 


God also began with the end in mind. He created the world full of wonder and delight, and no amount of despair and destruction was going to define the end of the story. He had a plan – a plan to restore and rebuild the beauty that he had always seen in us, in creation. Beginning with the end in mind meant that there would always be Hope, even when things feel unknown or chaotic. The end is our guiding post, and we keep pursuing it with faithfulness and joy. Beginning well to end well is important for all of us. So often we stumble across the finish line and gasp at it all being over already. 


New Years comes around quicker each year and yet we are gifted the same amount of time, year in and year out. This year – the final year of Shelford as an independent girls' school – is no different.  How do we want to finish well this year as a community, as a family, as an individual?  What do we want to create as a lasting legacy for the future to look back on?  


Set your eyes on the year ahead and choose to live it out with intention and purpose, knowing that your commitment to start well will result in a wonderful ending. And let’s enjoy the journey in between! 

Erin Juers 
