Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1
- Arnav – For independently unpacking his bag
- Amelia – For transitioning from the bus to the classroom all by herself.
Room 2
- Ernie for using the break/sensory room when he is dysregulated
- Jasim for transitioning well from school to kinder gym.
Room 3
- Mahira for starting to use her AAC device
- Esa for great listening to the teachers
Room 4
- Tyneil has made great improvements with his behaviour in a more positive way. What a star you are, Tyneil! Keep up the great work, Tyneil!
Room 5
- Scarlett for getting used to her communication device.
Room 6
- Callan for being more vocal communicating using words while making requests.
- Ransher for using the communication board to ask ‘help’ during lunch time.
Room 7
- Decon has continually showed excitement and enthusiasm towards his learning. Thank you Decon for forever being a shining star in Room 7!
Room 8
- Ashwath has demonstrated that he can use his AAC device to greet his teachers and make requests.
- Serra has demonstrated that she can remember her sight words when she practices every day.
Room 9
- Ethan for displaying JSA expected behaviours in the classroom and playground
- Joyce for her increasing independence when doing work tasks and her improving eating skills