
Missing Manga
Many new titles in the very popular Manga collection have unfortunately disappeared. Can you please have a good look at home and if found return them to school promptly. We are especially interested in the following:
Dragon Ball Z #1-5 and 8-26
The Evil Secret Society of Cats #2-3
One Piece #2-5
Regrettably access to the balance of the collection has been withdrawn until the situation is addressed.
Overdue Books
Last week overdue notices were sent home with students. Thank you to those who have returned their books already. If you received one please make every attempt to follow this up and return books promptly. Please advise if the books are lost. Such notices will become more frequent in the lead up to stocktake which will be at the end of Term 4. The last stocktake was held in 2019 so this year’s is very important.