Assistant Principals' Report

Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held onsite on Thursday 19th September, between 11.00am and 7.00pm. This will be a variation to the school day. Normal classes will not run, however students are required to attend their interview. Previously we have run these interviews as student led conferences. This year students will share some of their learning with their family, however the focus will on discussing student's progress. Bookings for interviews will open on Compass on Monday 9th September and close on Tuesday 17th September.
Our annual Book Fair is currently running Learning Neighbourhood 1 before and after school until Tuesday morning on the 27th of August. There is a great range of books for younger and older readers to choose from. Your support of our Book Fair also helps to fund our purchase of some reading resources for the library and classrooms.
For the safety of all students, we ask for your support in reinforcing our oval expectations. Students in Years Prep to 2 should use the goal closest to the portable, while those in Years 3 to 5 should use the goal closest to the Kindergarten. This separation helps keep our younger students safe during playtime. Thank you for helping us maintain a secure and enjoyable environment for everyone.
Last week, our Year 4 students attended the Lady Northcote Adventure Camp. They participated in a number of new and exciting activities and they embraced every challenge with enthusiasm and teamwork. The camp was an incredible experience, where students also supported each other in overcoming challenges and trying new things. Their positive attitude and determination made the camp a great success, and we couldn't be prouder of how well they represented our school.
This week our Year 5 students were off to an exciting camp at Sovereign Hill! This camp offers a unique opportunity that perfectly connects to their learning and curiosity focus within the classroom. It's a fantastic chance for students to learn about history in a hands-on way while bonding with classmates and creating lasting memories. We can't wait to hear all about their adventures when they return!