Head of Primary Years' Report

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Hazel Glen College,
Our Book Week parade this week was a success for the Primary Years with all students taking part and it was wonderful to see families attend to share in the event with us. We also had a special guest, Lauren Kathage MP Member for Yan Yean attend to hand out our Book Week Competition prizes. Lauren also donated books to our College for the Primary Years library. I am sure that our students will enjoy these new additons to the library. A big thank you to Mr Dave Roberts for organising our Book Week events and celebrations for the Primary Years.
A reminder that our Father's Day Breakfast will be held next Tuesday in the Gym from 7:15-8:15am. All are welcome and there is no need to book in for this, just come along and enjoy a buffet breakfast with your child/ren to start the day.
Book your tickets to see our College Production of Mary Poppins Jr. now! Tickets are selling fast! Click here to book tickets!
Please take the time to provide your feedback on the Parent/Carer Opinion Survey. Each year we conduct an opinion survey amongst the college community. This year, we invite all families to participate. NOTE: Only one parent/caregiver/guardian from each family is invited to complete the survey. The annual survey is offered by the Department of Education and is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour and student engagement. Our College will use the survey results to help inform and direct future planning and improvement strategies. I ask you to please take the time to complete the survey as your opinions are important to us.
- The survey will be conducted online and should take 20 minutes to complete. The survey can be completed on any device with internet (tablets, computers, smartphones) and is compatible with most browsers.
- The survey will be open from Monday 29 July to Friday 30 August.
- The survey is available in English and 10 other languages including Arabic, Greek, Hakha Chin, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Turkish and Vietnamese.
Please be assured that your responses are completely confidential. The survey is conducted anonymously, and it is important to us that you complete the survey as honestly as possible. To protect your responses, please DO NOT share the survey link and PIN with others, or on a public website, forum or similar. To complete the survey, please follow the instructions below:
- Click on this link to take you directly to the survey - https://www.orima.com.au/parent
- Select the School Name/Campus Name - Hazel Glen College
- Enter the School PIN - 504206
- When complete, please click on the tick button at the end of the survey to submit your answers. Please note that the survey will time out after 60 minutes of inactivity.
Should you have any technical queries regarding the survey, please do not hesitate to contact ORIMA Research on 1800 654 585 (toll free), or by email: pos@orima.com. Should you have any other queries, please contact the Department by email: school.surveys@education.vic.gov.au. Thank you for taking the time to participate. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
I have been fortunate to attend both the Year 4 Camp last week and the Year 5 Camp this week. The Year 4 students made us all very proud of their achievements throughout the camp with taking on new challenges, building independence and resilience and getting to know their peers. They took part in a range of adventure challenges including the giant swing, canoeing, bush cooking and other games. They enjoyed the disco and the movie night. See 'In Our Classrooms' tab for a detailed report of the Year 4 camp.
Today our Year 5 students and teachers returned from Sovereign Hill. This camp complements their Curiosity subject by immersing them in a historical experience. From gold panning, mine tours, educational experiences, interacting with the characters around Sovereign Hill, candle making, learning, exploring, shopping, planning their activities with their groups, staying on-site at Sovereign Hill and having the opportunity to have dinner and breakfast in the restaurant, I was proud to see how much our students enjoyed and took part in this experience with their peers and teachers. After all the walking, hills, hands on activities, late night Aura sound and light show and fun carriage ride in the dark to and from the show,our students and teachers will look forward to getting home with lots of stories to tell. This experience will also be helpful for their learning back at school for their upcoming inquiry project.
A big thank you to our Year 4 and Year 5 teaching teams and other Primary Years staff who have taken time away from their families to attend these events to provide these valuable opportunities to our students.
Andrea Lynch
Head of Primary Years
Hazel Glen College