Student Achievements

In The Spotlight!


Friday 30th August


Friday 6th September

FRA- XavierFRA- Ava
FRU- Matilda1AG- Arlo
FSJ- Luca1JB- Otto
1AG- Nora1AD- Max
1JB- Darcie1SA- Summer
1AD- Lylah1RA- Bella
1CE- Hilary2JN- Savannah
1SA- Lottie2SB- Matt
1RA- Tom2SD- Olivia
2JN- Nina2WL- Mason
2SB- Patrick2MS- Benjamin
2SD- Hugo2NW- Lillian
2WL- Khaiya3JN- Jack
2MS- Lisa3LM- Philippa
2NW- Alfie3PK- Zac
3JN- Alice3PD- Beau
3LM- Huey3ME- Amber
3PK- Charlotte4AC- Ever
3PD- Billie4TG- Fletcher 
3ME- Quinn4BB- Edmund
4AC- Poppy4SS- Lucas
4TG-  Evie4EC- Amelie
4BB- Edward M  
4SS- Lincoln 
4EC- Kurt 

Maths Mindset Awards - Announced at assembly on Friday 30th August


Year 1 - Will Pinnuck 1RA - for believing in his maths ability during place value sessions and sharing his reasoning with the class.


Year 2 - Olivia Alexander for always trying her best during challenging multiplication and division problems with a big smile on her face.


Year 3 - Fletcher Jones for his outstanding work learning about adding money and calculating change this week. He has proven his strategies and encouraged and supported his peers to develop their understanding to successfully calculate change.


Entire class of 3JN - for their outstanding positive mindsets during our fluency routines. The enthusiasm and support you show each other are a shining example of true teamwork. I'm incredibly impressed with your efforts, and your pride in your achievements is well-deserved. Well done team!


Year 4 - Evie Smethurst for her quiet and diligent approach to maths. Evie never shies away from hard work and always displays perseverance and an ‘I can Do It’ attitude.  Fabulous!


Chet McCormack for his positive attitude and eagerness to give multiplication challenges a go without worrying about making a mistake. 


Year 5 - Finley Patterson for enthusiastically developing his understanding of CHANCE; he can confidently express the expected and actual possible outcomes of chance experiments as a fraction or percentage and he confidently explains his thinking using frequency tables and probability tree diagrams. Well done, Fin!!!


Bo Guest – For showing improved results through effort and persistence. Displaying a positive Maths Mindset and increasing confidence.

Nick Hayes & Henry Hawkes – working together to get the best out of themselves.



WOW Awards - Announced at assembly on Friday 6th September


1JB - Ben Forrest -For writing an impressive and detailed information report about deers. Keep up the great work. 


2MS - All of 2MS for their amazing persuasive writing pieces! I am convinced they are putting  100% effort into their writing! Experts agree that 2MS are the BEST!


2WL - All of 2WL for an incredible few weeks of persuasive writing. Mrs Lonie and Mrs Walsh are SO proud of you all!


2SD- Haylen Nicholls for nailing the structure of a persuasive. She really convinced Mr. Daly that her dad was the best in the world!


3JN- Brody Anderson - for consistently applying himself and showing a remarkable willingness to experiment with the content that has been introduced, such as using strong verbs to uplevel his narratives. Great writing Brody!


3LM - Ruby Hanson for using descriptive vocabulary in her creative story called “See Ya Echidna”. Her sizzling start was outstanding and included words such as dawdling and peering. Congratulations on your wonderful writing!


4TG- Sienna Ogues for engaging her audience by using a variety of descriptive vocabulary and embedding a sense of ‘voice’ in her writing. Well done! 


4AC - Poppy Butler Saly and Henry Roberton for interesting and engaging information reports about the Paris Olympics!


5DW- Mia Mcrae for adding  voice in her information reports while not sacrificing any key facts. 


5KB- Ari Wright – for bringing the Wow to his writing. Using extensive vocabulary and writing for a purpose with such flair and expertise.


6LC - Jaxon McCauley and Taylor Donovan for their outstanding narrative about life as an AFL player!


6SG - Addison Wilkinson for working really hard to improve her writing!