Principal's Message

Year 3/4 Camp

A big thank you to our wonderful Year 3/4 teachers Brydie and Chandra, and of course our ES staff Sonia and Naomi who have attended Phillip Island CYC with our Year 3/4 students from Wednesday to Friday this week. 

School camp offers Year 3 and 4 students a fantastic opportunity for personal growth and social development. It provides a break from the traditional classroom setting, allowing children to engage in hands-on learning and outdoor activities that build teamwork and problem-solving skills. Camp fosters independence as students navigate new environments and routines away from home, helping them develop self-confidence and resilience. Additionally, the camp experience enhances their social skills by encouraging collaboration and communication with peers in a fun, supportive environment. Overall, school camp enriches students' educational journey by blending learning with adventure and personal discovery.  

Well done campers on an excellent camp so far, we are so proud of your resilience and exemplary behaviour.  


Hoops with Mitchy

Mitch's program has continued this week and with our Year 3/4 student on camp, our Year 1/2s and Preps have had the opportunity to join in.  We are so lucky to have great community basketball in our area.  If your child expresses interest in basketball you might want to think about joining them up down at the Yarra Centre! Please continue to make sure students are wearing appropriate footwear and uniform to school on Thursday for the next five weeks to allow them to take part comfortably. 


Reminder - Parent Opinion Survey

The 2024 Parent, Caregiver and Guardian Opinion Survey organised by DET is now available to complete online from today to Friday 30 August 2024. The survey seeks feedback on school climate, community engagement in learning and teaching practices for student engagement and learning outcomes. The survey link will be available to parents, caregivers and guardians and will be shared via COMPASS. Our school is very eager to have as many families complete this survey as possible. Please keep your eye out for the link.


Preparations for Bushfire Season

You may have noticed a bit of a ruckus outside the 3/4F classroom this week.  Glenn our Maintenance enthusiast has been very busy cleaning up the garden bed for the soon to be installed new gardens. 

In similar news you may have seen our renovated stairs near the library which are looking lovely with a freshen up and some extra paint. 

Clean up for bushfire season is beginning shortly.  Huts and other debris around the yard will be taken away.  But don’t worry – hut building season will return in Term Two next year!


School Council 

On Monday our School Council will hold their next meeting.  We will be talking about:

  • Bushfire preparedness funding and works
  • Student Attitude towards School survey data
  • School budget review and tracking 

Supporting our senior students around sensitive topics

When your child asks questions about sensitive topics such as gender, sexuality, drugs or alcohol, it's important to provide clear, age-appropriate answers without going into unnecessary detail. Stick to the basics and focus on providing accurate information in a way that is understandable for their age. Ensure that your responses are honest but also respectful of their developmental stage, and let them know it's okay to ask more questions if they're unsure. This approach helps maintain open communication while protecting their innocence.  Currently we have workshops running with our Year 5/6 cohort around the dangers of vaping (Term Three) and planning for the transition to secondary school (beginning Term Four), parents can be of assistance to the success of these programs by discussing further questions their children may have with them at home.  

We love that we are able to work together in partnership with families to support the development and growth of your children.  


Virtual Tour

See you around our place,

Laura Caddy
