Team Foundation News

The Bridge and Beyond
This term we have been exploring the impact of discovery, in a unit called, 'The Bridge and Beyond'.
At the beginning of the unit, students learnt the meaning of the term 'discovery'. Meaning: - to find out about, recognize, or realize for the first time. They were all asked the question , "What have you discovered at school this year?" Here are the student's responses...
Inside the school building we have discovered....
Dakota – my kindergarten friends came to this school.
Chloe – we could play with playdough.
Mia – we could draw at school.
Alex – there are lots of toys to play with in the classroom.
Rayan – we could go on excursions and visit amazing places like the Botanic Gardens.
Bella – we can make things with clay during Art class.
Rosha – we do lots of fun colouring in.
Ellery – we have thousands of books in our school library.
Outside in the school playground we have discovered....
Adrian – we can play with our friends outside and have fun.
Dakota – there are lots of places to play outside.
Hannah – we have chickens and guinea pigs that live at our school
Heather – all the yummy food that we can eat at the canteen.
Tida – we can play with lots of people outside and make new friends and play nicely with these people.
Alicia – the two playgrounds are very different.
Anny – we have monkey bars in our Area 2 playground.
Using the traditional fairy tale of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’, our investigations included discovering different properties of a range of materials, discovering the variety of ways that materials are used and creating designs with an intended audience. Throughout the term, we explored different materials including modelling clay, fabric, play dough, aluminium foil and corrugated cardboard and their properties e.g. smooth, rough, foldable, stretchy, sticky, shiny, etc.
The Rich Assessment Task (R.A.T.) comprised of recreating a scene from ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’, the brief including building a bridge that could carry a billy goat across a river. Working in groups, students carefully chose materials and explored their properties to design and build a goat, river, boat, bridge and troll. ‘Who’s that going over my bridge?’ roared the troll.
On Friday 13th of September, the Term Three Expo will be held from 3pm to 4pm. Foundation students will showcase their Three Billy Goats Gruff scene to our audience. Using a rubric, we will be asking families to help their child assess themselves against the criteria. This will include assessing bridge design, the strength of the aluminium boat, use of materials and adjectives used to describe materials.
This Rich Assessment Task (R.A.T.) has provided students with the opportunity to work together in groups and begin to identify and practise basic skills required for including others and working together collaboratively including: turn taking, cooperating and following instructions. In addition to this, students have also practised using appropriate language to describe how they feel when experiencing positive interactions or conflict, and problem solving when issues arise.
We are excited by the enthusiasm, planning and design that the students have put into creating such wonderful ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’ scenes.
Term 3 Foundation Stars
Week 4 - Dakota
In Week 4 Dakota was the Foundation Star. Dakota entertained FKJ by sharing some wonderful personal items. Some items that Dakota shared were: her toy rabbit, her fluffy diary and pen and a rainbow crown. She also impressed the class by drawing a lovely picture of her family dog - Hershey! Well done Dakota for sharing your life with us!
Week 5 - Alex
In Week 5 Alex was the Foundation Star. Alex shared many personal items. Some of these were: a car keychain, Minecraft Lego, an orange house made of Lego blocks and a Mickey Mouse pencil case. During the Monday afternoon Meet and Greet, Alex shared his personal Timeline. This Timeline contained six interesting photos. One was a photo of when Alex was a teeny baby! Another photo was when he turned one years old and another was when Alex won the Boroondara Park Cross Country race! Well done Alex for sharing these lovely things with us all! We learnt so much about you!
Week 6- Heather
In Week 6 Heather was the Foundation Star. On Tuesday she shared her Personal Timeline. One photo was a picture of when Heather's brother Eddie was born. Heather was very happy to have a new brother in her life! On Wednesday she shared her Personal Show Bag. Inside was: a little toy puppy unicorn called Rocket, a rainbow swimming costume, a paper doll, Heather's footy boots and beanie and a fun card game called Uno! On Thursday she shared her personal skill which was drawing a picture of her family. Thank you Heather for sharing these lovely things with us all. We learnt so much about you this week!
Week 7 - Chloe
In Week 7 Chloe was the Foundation Star. Chloe shared many interesting objects and personal items with the class. She shared an interesting fidget spinner that helped her to relax, a mini pillow and her favourite toy rabbit called Floppy! Chloe also entertained everyone at the Mini Meet and Greet. She drew a lovely picture of some cute animals. Everyone was incredibly impressed with her drawing skills! Well done Chloe for sharing your life with us! We learnt so much about you this week!
We will look forward to seeing future Foundation Star presentations. Thank you once again for the families of the above Foundation Stars for supporting their child with this activity!