Our next free dress day will be on Tuesday , September 17.
The theme will be Footy colours and the gold donation will go towards buying feed for our school animals.
Well done to everyone who donated to our last free dress day. We raised $162 for
the ILF ( Indigenous Literacy Foundation).
The following students were nominated as winners for a CL&S Book Week Costume award, which will be awarded in Term 4.
FKJ Ellery, Bella
1PT Leia, George
2LP Una, Jasper
2MC Max
3AT Declan
4JK Maggie, Ada, Victoria
4JT Ariana, Lindsey, Abby
4JX Zac V-S
5CB Hirad
5CE Talia
5SB Hirad
6LK Elizabeth, Ethan, Natalija
6HR Neive
6SJ Jackson
JSC will meet again in term 4.
M. Higgins