Le Francais

Bonjour tout le monde!
So.... week 8 has finally arrived and the French poetry recitation have now almost been completed. (As I am wiriting this on Wednesday , classes on Thursday of this week have not yet completed their class finals and marks are still to be tallied for 3AT, 4JX, 1PT and 2LP).
Classes at all levels used a selection of criteria to assess their peers. Students were given points for memorisation, pronunciation, actions and confidence and the top three students for each class will be selected from each class to compete in the Level finals which will happen in Week 9, (planning week) as set below:
- F-2 finals, Monday, September 9 , session 5, stadium
- 3-4 finals, Wednesday , September 11, session 5, stadium
- 5-6 finals, Tuesday, September 10, session 5, stadium
If your child has been selected they will be notified as soon as the marks are tallied.
Students need to be present on the days stipulated above to compete in the finals and judging teachers’ decisions are final. Finalists will receive CL&S awards and French book prizes will be awarded to the Level winners. These awards and prizes will be presented in Term 4.
Please encourage your finalists to practice at home with big voices and actions!
Looking forward to the Level finals!
Madame Higgins