Year 3/4

Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts


Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

This term is flying by quickly. It is hard to believe that we are now in the second half of the term.


Last week we acknowledged Bullying No Way! week, focusing on the importance of including others and showing kindness. We celebrated the week by wearing a Pop of Purple, the colour associated with this program. Thank you for encouraging and supporting your child to find something purple to wear - everyone looked great!


We have been learning about fractions and decimals in Maths, and Mrs Hartley taught us all a new game, which gave us practice in identifying equivalent fractions. Everyone enjoyed the activities we did, and we have included a few photos below.


Our students have been very busy writing, revising and editing narratives this term. They have been learning about different visual features of books, such as the layout of text and illustrations, and the use of colour, perspective and angles. The publishing of these narratives into a picture storybook has been interesting and enjoyable. Today we celebrated by sharing our books with the students in Level 1/2. It was wonderful to hear how proud our students were of their final books and how much the younger students enjoyed listening to the different stories. We are going to place them in the library for a short time for other students to enjoy. We will include some photos in our next newsletter.


We are now in the final practice weeks for our school production. Please remember to book your tickets to the show. If you have not already sent along the costume for your child, please do this ASAP. We are now doing our final checks to ensure that we have everything needed for the night.


From the Level 3/4 Team 

Caz Sheaf, Caroline Foenander, Larissa Holdsworth and Sue Hartley



What We Are Learning



  • School production rehearsal day - permission and payment to be finalised on Compass ASAP.
  • ACMI permission and payment is to be finalised ASAP.
  • Production costumes are to be sent to school in a named plastic bag.
  • Book your Parent-Teacher Interview when they are available on Compass.


Try This...

Magic Pyramids

Add the two numbers below each brick on the pyramid to work out the brick above.


Fractions and Decimals


Book Week Dress Up Day