Science and P.E.

Science News
Well done to our National Science Week award winners who received their awards last Friday at assembly! Fantastic science observations and work!
We are enjoying our study of chemistry this term! Students are engaging in experiments and learning about the scientific method for undertaking experiments. This past fortnight students mixed different materials and observed chemical reactions, made plastic from milk and discovered why soap is used to clean dishes!
P.E. News
Grades 3-6 will be attending our Term 3 District Sports Day next Friday 6th September. Grade 3 and 4 students will be attending both a cricket and tennis clinic on that day whilst our Grade 5 and 6 students have chosen either cricket or tennis and will compete in that sport against other schools on the day. Please complete the permission form for this excursion via PAM to ensure your child can attend. You are most welcome to come along to watch the students if you are free. Hoping for a beautiful, sunny spring day full of participation, enjoyment and team work!
Our skipping skills are coming along from F-6! Group skipping was a popular choice this week and it was wonderful to observe the support and encouragement students offered to one another! Similarly the students supported one another in cricket games this week-some fantastic skill development taking place in bowling, fielding and batting. F/1 students had the opportunity to put into practice their wonderful overarm throw and catch skills in a fun game of beat the runner! Next week we move onto Kickball in preparation for our F-2 District Kickball day next term.
Clare Grainger
Science and P.E. Teacher