RE: St Mary's Faith & Family 



Congratulations to Indi, Hannah, Emily, Annabelle, Liana, Alastair and Leilani who recently received the Sacrament of First Communion. 

                                 May they always feel surrounded by love and peace.


Lord, give me the faith of Simon Peter to remain steadfast, even in times of uncertainty.



GOSPEL REFLECTION     John 6:60-69

For the last few Sundays, we have heard some of Jesus’ most difficult teachings. He explains that He is the bread of life, and that the bread He will give is His flesh. (cf. John 6:51). Today we hear that while some of His followers grumble, Jesus doesn’t back down from His assertion that eating His flesh and drinking His blood is the only way to eternal life.

Because of this intense teaching, many of His followers turned away and returned to their old way of life. Jesus, unfazed by their decision, turns to His closest friends, His Apostles, and asks if they’ll leave too. Simon Peter answers with profound words:

“Master, to whom should we go?” John 6:68

Simon Peter doesn’t pretend to understand this intense teaching. He doesn’t assert that the path forward to eat His master’s flesh is clear. He merely acknowledges that Jesus is the Christ, and so there is nowhere else for them to go.

As a parent, the words of Simon Peter echo in my heart. I can’t always see a clear path to attaining holiness for myself and my family. I don’t understand why I’m challenged in the ways I am. The great mysteries of the faith remain a mystery to my simple, human brain.

This is faith. Believing and trusting when the way forward is confusing and seemingly impossible. I know that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. It may not always be clear or simple, but I will follow Jesus, for I have nowhere else to go.


By the Catholic Mom Website - Holy Cross Family Ministries



  3Wed 31/7First Communion (Gr4) Information Meeting 3.30 - 4.15pm
  4Sun 4/8First Communion Commitment Mass (Gr4)


  4Wed 7/8Whole School Mass 


  5Sun 11/8

School Parish Mass & St Mary’s Parish 170th Anniversary Year celebrations. Mass followed by a High Tea Lunch in the hall. 


  6Wed 14/8

Candidates First Communion Preparation (Gr4): 

Confession & Practice in Church


  6Thurs 15/8School Parish Mass - The Assumption of Mary


  7Sun 18/8

Sacrament First Communion Mass - Luncheon celebration in the school hall.


  8Fri 30/8Fathers Day Breakfast & Whole School Liturgy7.30am 
  9Sun 8/9

School Parish Mass


10Wed 11/9End of Term Whole School Feast Day Mass - Most Holy Name of Mary Day and school Feast Day celebrations.


              Please Note: All are welcome to our Masses. If you would like to join us in any of these 

                                       celebrations you are most welcome.


*Children’s Liturgy: 


The Kids’ Bulletin for Sunday August 25th, 2024


*Parish Newsletter:




When the teachings and path of Christ challenge my understanding, how can I live like Simon Peter and not like the followers who abandoned Jesus?


For all queries St Mary’s Faith & Family related please email

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