Imagination OSHC

A Message From OSHC Director, Ali Flynn
Dear Good Shepherd Families,
It is with mixed emotions that I write to inform you that, after two wonderful years as the Director of Outside School Hours Care, I have decided to step down from my role. This decision comes after much reflection, as I have cherished every moment working with such a supportive and caring parent community.
Over the past two years, I have had the privilege of getting to know so many of you and your children, and it has truly been an honour to be part of your lives. The warmth, trust, and collaboration we have shared have made my time as the OSHC Director incredibly rewarding. I will always look back on these years with fond memories and deep gratitude.
After 13 years of dedicating myself to the OSHC sector, I have decided to commence a new journey within our school community. I will be transitioning into a compliance role, where I will continue to contribute to the school in a different capacity. While I am excited about this new opportunity, I will undoubtedly miss the daily interactions with all of you and the joy of seeing your children grow and thrive in our care.
I want to thank each of you for your unwavering support, understanding, and partnership. It has been a true privilege to work alongside such a wonderful community, and I am confident that the OSHC will continue to flourish with the strong foundation we have built together.
As I step into this new role, I look forward to continuing to support the school and our community in a different way. Please know that I will always hold the memories and experiences of my time as OSHC Director close to my heart.
Thank you once again for allowing me to be part of your children's lives. I wish you all the very best and look forward to staying connected in the future.
Medical Information
A friendly reminder that if your child/ren is/are diagnosed with a medical condition, please ensure an updated medical action plan, risk minimisation plan and medication are provided to Imagination.
All children with allergies must have a current ASCIA action plan for anaphylaxis or an ASCIA action plan for allergic reactions.
If your child has been diagnosed with asthma, please ensure that you also provide educators with an asthma care plan which has been completed by your child’s medical practitioner.
For all other medical conditions, please complete a medical conditions risk minimisation form.
Medical action plans need to be reviewed annually, or as the doctor requests.
Please attach a current photo of your child to the medical action plan.
In conjunction with the medical action plans, an Imagination medical condition risk minimisation is required. This form will provide all educators with valuable knowledge on how to reduce the risks of a medical emergency for your child. To make this more accessible for families in 2024, we have created online risk minimisation forms. You can access them here:
Anaphylaxis/ allergy:
Medical conditions:
Please also ensure that ALL medication provided to Imagination is in its original packaging, which is clearly labelled with a pharmacy label that states your child’s name, date of birth, and dosage requirements. The label needs to be attached to either the bottle of medication or the canister of the Asthma inhaler.
Your child cannot attend Imagination until these are up to date.
Review of Medical Information
Please note that some medical action plans, risk minimisation plans, or medications are due for review. The Imagination Coordinator will contact families when these are due to expire. We kindly ask that these are updated as soon as possible. Thank you for supporting us keep your child safe at Imagination.