Parent Information

Assembly Acknowledgements
Recognising their efforts in living our school values of Love, Optimism, and Creativity, we congratulate this week's students; Ayla, Sam and Sinesh!
Car Parking Concerns
Car park of businesses next door
We have recently been made aware of families parking in the car park of the businesses next door to our school. Their carpark has limited capacity and using it makes it hard for paying customers to park and access the services they need.
Please remember that this is a private carpark and use by school families for school drop off or pick up is not permitted.
Car parking near the bus stop
Please be aware that parking either side of the driveway to the carpark of businesses next door impacts visibility of oncoming traffic on Montague Road and restricts the space buses need to pull out onto Montague Road safely. While there are no yellow lines, it is within 10 metres of a bus stop and 1.8 metres of a driveway, so no cars should be parking there.
Where can you park?
We understand car parking can be an issue and we do our best to ensure a smooth process of dropping off and picking up your child/children.
We encourage families to utilise the Kiss & Drop zone as our safest and most efficient option for school drop off and pick up.
If parking is needed, please use the school carpark or the Curiosity ELC carpark.
If both of our carparks are full, please utilise street parking as marked on this map, being sure to follow any signage, road markings and parking laws.
Car park speed
Lastly, it has been noted that some cars have not been mindful of our 10km speed limit in the car park. Please follow the speed limit, and directions of staff on duty, so that we can keep our children and school community safe.
Thank you for your commitment in caring for our school, each other, and those around us.
Together We Can Appeal
Next week (19th -23rd August), along with our Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, we will be supporting Lutheran Care in their mission to help people in the wider community. We are calling it ‘Together We Can’!
Lutheran Care are looking for these items:
- Pasta
- pasta sauce
- tinned tuna
- tinned fruit
- 2 minute noodles
- sweet biscuits
- toothpaste
- soap
All items must be sealed and in its original packaging. We ask that you bring these items to your classrooms during this week. They will be collected and stored in the front office. On the Friday, they will be moved over to the Worship Centre where church attenders will add to the collection on the Sunday. This is just one way we can share God’s love with others.
Advance Notice: Pupil Free Day
A reminder that on Friday 6th September, the primary school will have a pupil free day (school closure). This day has historically been for families to attend the Royal Adelaide Show.
On this day, our team will be completing a range of Professional Development opportunities - these include our OSHC staff, so OSHC will not be running on this day.
School Uniform: Hats
Hats are required to be worn whenever students are involved in school activities held outside during the months of August to May. Students not wearing a hat during these months will be directed to under the verandas during playtimes. Please ensure your child's hat is clearly named before sending to school.
School Absences
Please don't forget, if your child is going to be absent from school you will need to notify both their classroom teacher and the front office. This can be done via email. The front office email is:
Sew You Think You Can Help?
If you're handy on a sewing machine and have a spare moment to volunteer your time, we have two animal masks with floppy elastics that need to be replaced, with the school covering the costs.
If you are able to help, please have a chat with or send an email to Mrs Panagiotou.
Thank you
Book Week 2024
Excitement is building for Book Week next week!
Our book voting and colouring-in competition will close at 12pm tomorrow (16th August).
Students will also have the opportunity to join in special lunchtime craft activities.
A reminder that our Book Week Parade will take place next Thursday 22nd August 8.45-9.15am.
We ask that students in costume, have a copy of the book or front page of the book, that their character is from.
Curiosity students will also be joining our parade!
A parent viewing area will be in front of the middle primary playground.
Bunting will indicate where students will be walking.
A coffee van will be present for you to purchase hot drinks during this time.
Happy Reading Everyone.
Don't Forget to Book Your Tickets!
Click on the link to purchase:
Father's Day
💙 Father's Day Raffle
Tickets are now available via the QKR app or cash at the front office;
********** $2 each or 3 for $5 ***********
There are many prizes available thanks to our amazing GS community and local businesses.
We appreciate your support ❤️
Photos of prizes to come!
💙 Father's Day Stall
We are excited that once again the Father's Day STALL and RAFFLE for Father's Day is coming up. We are seeking volunteers for the stall and donations for the raffle.
We need more volunteers to help man the stall. Wednesday and Thursday of week 6 - 28th and 29th August, particularly on Thursday. Please return your form to the front office or get in touch with the team. Thank you for your time.
Are you a business or are you happy to gift a raffle prize, voucher donation, or discount to help our school? We know it's a big ask, so in return, we can offer to advertise your business and post a thank you within our school community. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Fathers Day Team,
Jodi Quast
Alana Siedel
Sarah Pound
Alix Zeppel
Kim Crane-Noonan
Brick Builders
We are excited to have a new afterschool creative learning program at Good Shepherd - BrickBuilders.
BrickBuilders will commence on Monday afternoons from Week 6 in the Billabong room.
BrickBuilders uses LEGO Bricks as an engaging learning activity across lessons in STEM and Social Sciences. Students are led in age-level groups from Reception to Year 6.
In this introductory term, participants will experience five lessons from the BrickBuilders program, and receive weekly take-home learning material, and an end-of-term mini build.
For more information and to book, visit
Volunteer Training
We have plenty of volunteer opportunities within our school for those interested in contributing to our vibrant community at Good Shepherd Lutheran School Para Vista, and your involvement is crucial in creating a nurturing environment for our students.
Our next Volunteer Training session is:
- Monday 2nd September at 3:30pm
There has been an update to the training and any new volunteers from July 2024 onwards will now need to complete the RRHAN-EC online course.
To learn more about the available opportunities and the application process, please take a moment to review the attached PDF document. We greatly appreciate your willingness to support our educational journey, and we look forward to welcoming you as valued members of our dedicated team
Growing Faith At Home Resource
School Student Broadband Initiative
The School Student Broadband Initiative is an Australian Government program that offers free home internet to families and carers who look after school age children, that currently do not have a current nbn home internet connection.
To qualify for this offer:
- You must be caring for a school age student at your home.
- Must not have an active nbn connection at your home now or in the past 14 days. (Having a mobile internet service does not affect eligibility).
- Must live in a property that can access the nbn network through a standard connection.
- Apply for the offer by 31 December 2024 to get free home internet until the end of December 2025
What’s included in the offer?
- Free home internet until December 2025
- Free WI-FI router (you can keep it)
- Unlimited data
- 50 / 20 plan (this is a typical household plan)
- No lock in contracts
- Choice of participating internet providers
- Ongoing support from the National Referral Centre to apply – callback, webchat, and interpreting services available
Contact the National Referral Centre to apply on 1800 954 610 Monday - Friday, 10am - 6pm (AEDT) or visit this website.