From the Principal

This week we said farewell to Mrs Gliddon, Director of Curiosity ELC and what a celebration we were able to share.   We began with worship at the church. The entire Curiosity ELC centre attended and many of our youngest learners bravely performed on stage in front of everyone at Big School. After worship we made our way over to the centre where there was morning tea, with many laughs, hugs, tears, and stories shared. Finally, the students and ELC staff presented Mrs Gliddon with a gift, the 'Curiosity Tree of Life', where each student contributed with a painted thumb print along with their name, to create the leaves on the tree.


Proverbs 3:18

"She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; Those who hold her fast will be blessed."


We thank Jacqui for her contribution helping to make Curiosity the thriving centre it is today. She leaves behind a legacy of love and learning that we will always cherish, and we wish her many blessings in the next chapter of her career.


 We are currently advertising for a replacement for Jacqui, and while we wait for the right applicant, Mrs Karen Bloffwitch is working in the Acting Director capacity. During this time, we know and trust that Karen will ensure the continuity of the wonderful care provided and our ELC families experience with us.


Additional to this advertisement, we will also be advertising for a new OSHC Director as Ali Flynn will be moving into the Risk and Compliance role here at Good Shepherd.  We are blessed to have had Ali lead in the OSCH space and look forward to leveraging her knowledge of all thing's compliance moving forward.


The OSHC Director role has been advertised at the following site, 


Across both ELC and OSHC we are seeking additional relief staff, so if you or someone you know hold a Certificate 3 or Diploma in Education and Care, please reach out and send an email to


If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Many blessings,


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