
Where is Jesus when I am anxious or scared?
Change... What comes to mind when you hear that word?
Excitement? Opportunity? Wonder? There are adventures to have... places to see... experiences to enjoy...
Or does change feel daunting? Moving from the familiar to the unfamiliar... into uncharted territory...
At times change can bring with it unwelcome visitors that knock on the door. Anxiety, worry and fear. They don’t play fair. They can be loud, persistent and unrelenting. It can be hard not to let them in. Your mind shoots off in different directions all heading for worst case scenarios. What if my friend leaves to go on an adventure and I am left behind... Who will play with me? Who will be my friend? What if someone I love gets sick? Who will look after me? What if? What if? What if?
It can feel like a volcano exploding inside of you. Or it could feel like you are drowning in a stormy sea. It is in these times you might wonder... Where is Jesus?
The answer is simple, but it can be challenging to embrace.
He’s right there with you! When life is loud and scary he is right by your side. Right there with you in the stormy sea. He’s not shouting at you, but gently speaking his words of assurance.
‘And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end.’ Matthew 28:20b NIrV
Psalm 46 says it like this: ‘God is our place of safety. He gives us strength. He is always there to help us in times of trouble. He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God’. Psalm 46:1,10a NIrV
It can be difficult to tune out and say no to the loud noise of fear, worry and anxiety and refocus your attention on the gentle voice of Jesus and his promises, but his words have tremendous power. And His faithful and steadfast love for us is unwavering!
Where is Jesus when you’re anxious or scared? He’s right by your side!
How might this influence your day today?
Georgie Schuster
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Sunday Service Times
Friday Evening Service at Good Shepherd
Did you know we offer informal Friday Evening Worship Services here at Good Shepherd church once a month? Our next gathering is coming up on August 30th at 7pm in the church café. The theme is ‘God’s got your back’ based on 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. The service is informal, visitor friendly, and interactive. Come along! Bring a friend! We’d love to see you!
2024 Worship Song Playlist
Do you find yourself wondering what songs we sing in Wednesday Worship? Do your children come home singing some of the songs? We would like to invite you to our Good Shepherd School Worship Song Playlist on YouTube. To find a selection of songs that we sing, click here and start singing along!